Saving Eri

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My eyes widen at the name and I start shaking. No, no this can't be happening. I thought I had freed everyone. How could I have made such a mistake and omitted a small child?! "We are going to organize a rescue mission, with everyone in this room." Nezu says. "You will have gotten a text by noon, that informs you about the location and the time of the rescue. You may be dismissed." Nezu says. I am still frozen. How could I have made such a mistake??!! I am horrible, horrible, horrible!! "It's not your f-fault y-y/n." I recognize Tamaki's voice. "It is. But that is not of importance right now. What is crucial, is to save the girl. And we will do it." I say, getting up from my chair, exiting the room.

I bump into Aizawa on my way out. "Y/n, I was looking for you. Are you alright?" He asks me. "Y-yes." I reply, stuttering. "No, you are not. Don't worry, we will save her." Aizawa says. "I know we will. Because we don't have any other choice." I reply and make my way outside the school.

I walk towards the house alone and stay in the garden, to practice. I remember how Overhaul's house was and realize that I will have to make walls, that are not created by me, submerge into the ground. I practice this move with trees and tiles, but I don't make much of a progress. All I manage to do, is tire myself. The others have already returned home, but they didn't disrupt me, knowing how important this is to me. Only at around 10 P.M. does Nejire come outside, to call me in. "Y/n...I think it is time for you to stop practicing and come inside." She says, in a calm voice. "I can't Nejire. I am not ready!!" I tell her, almost breaking down. "Y/n, you will need to be full of energy tomorrow for the rescue. C'mon." She says and I sigh. She is right. I go inside with her. "Girls come upstairs, the message arrived." Togata shouts from upstairs. Me and Nejire go to his room, to read the message. Tamaki is already there, waiting. "C'mon, read it up!" I tell Togata.

"Tomorrow at 5 A.M. in front of the school." Togata reads. "Then we should go to bed, like now." Nejire says. Who? Nejire who doesn't go to sleep unless it is at least midnight. They have really taken this seriously, as they should. "Yes, yes we should. Good night guys." I say as I get out of Togata's room. I take a few moments to get used to normal light, since Mirio's is way too bright. I walk to my room and lay on my bed.

Before I can turn off the light, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in ." I say and Tamaki opens the door. "H-hey. N-nightmares?" he asks. "I don't know Tamaki, I may twirl a lot today due to thoughts. You may not sleep well." I explain to him. "It's s-sweat that you always t-think of the others before y-yourself. But don't w-worry, I will be fine." Tamaki says, laying next to me. he puts his arm around me, calming me down at once. I close my eyes and my head is immediately emptied from bad thoughts. Tamaki sure does a great job calming me down. I drift off.

Next morning, I wake up at 4 and help my friends get up, without disturbing the others of class 1-C. we leave silently and rush to the school. We get there half an hour later. "You are early. Good. Let's go." Aizawa says and nods to another group of heroes and students to follow him. We drive to the house where the kid, whose name is Eri, is believed to be in. Another group has gone to defeat Nomus, elsewhere. "You know what the plan is; find Eri and rescue her. Go!" Lock-Rock says and we run inside, leaving Dragon-Lady and her interns to handle the situation outside. We run inside the building. The pro heroes, knock out Overhaul's minions. Nighteye-sensei, puts the code and a door reveals itself and opens. We run inside and we are faced with a corridor. Nighteye guides us towards Eri's cell.

The walls and floor, begin quivering and slowly shape-shifting, making it difficult to get to the kid. Just as Lemillion passes through the wall to get to the kid, a giant hole is created underneath us and he fall inside. We come across three villains. "Ah! Time to show you some real pro strength!" Fat-Gum says. "Save the strength of pros for our goal. For the ones stalling for time, I will be enough by myself." Tamaki says and I widen my eyes. Aizawa erases the villains' quirks, who take out guns and swords. "Swords and bullets will just sink into by body!" Fat-Gum proudly says. "I have looked over the documents with their info." Tamaki says, pining the villains on the wall with his tentacles. "I will take these guys on." He continues, breaking their weapons. "It won't do anything good for us to all fight against them" Tamaki explains. "I can handle it!" he continues. "I know you can Tamaki. I believe in you." I say. "Bind them before the effect wears out." Aizawa says and we leave.

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