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I stand in combat position and prepare myself for their attacks. First, Togata runs to me, I take a step back, but he is quick to give me a light touch on my face, like a punch, but without strength. Togata disappears and then appears behind me. He continues appearing and disappearing, tapping on me. I am getting dizzy. I figure that the best way is to figure the way he moves. Seconds before he appears behind me, I turn around and catch his hand before it taps me. I smirk, but then I am pushed back by some force. I look at Nejire. "Energy waves." She says and I nod. "Tamaki, a little help would be nice." She says. "I-I am scared that I w-will h-hurt her." Tamaki says. "I keep avoiding Nejire's attacks and I am handling them pretty well, because she is not putting any effort at all to hit me. However, when Tamaki attacks me with the Cracken, I crouch down to avoid it and touch the earth. Suddenly, a wall of earth emerges in front of me, sourced from my finger's touching the earth. But that's not what attracts my eye. I see Tamaki, being pushed back by this wall. I run to him.

He is on the ground, with a bloody nose. "Oh my God! T-Tamaki I am s-so s-sorry. OoOh {whenever you see head letters switching to small letters, it means shaky breath, or saying something shakily} my! W-what did I do!" I self-flagellate myself. "Hey y/n, calm down." Nejire says. "Y-y/n, I am o-okay." Tamaki says. "A-are you s-sure? Y-you have a b-bleeding n-nose." I say. "It's n-nothing. Really." He says and places his hand on my shoulder. We both get red and he removes his hand.

"So, we discovered y/n's quirk! Earth manipulation, right?" Togata asks. "Yeah, most probably." Nejire replies. I am too busy cleaning Tamaki's blood out of his face. "Y/n, are you ready to practice your quirk?" Togata asks. "G-give me one s-second please." I say and remove the last bit of blood on Tamaki's face.

"I am r-ready." I say. "Okay, go and stand over there and try to...."


I fall to my knees, exhausted. I feel a hand on my back. "A-are you a-alright?" I hear Tamaki's voice. "Y-yeah. But I think that w-we are d-done for t-today." I say and Tamaki nods. He gets up and offers me his hand. I gratefully take it and get up. "T-thank you." I say and we walk to meet Togata and Nejire who are watching from the other side of the field.

"You improved very quickly y/n! In one day you can control your quirk so much!" Nejire says. "Yeah, Aizawa-sensei said this would happen, because my quirk was suppressed all these years." I say. "Well, you did an exquisite job today. I will come by tomorrow evening to take you out on a walk. You will need to buy clothes! We will go shopping and everything. It will be awesome!!" Nejire says. "Great. I-I am looking f-forward to it." I say as we get inside the house.

"Oh, you guys are back. Good. There is food in the kitchen. Nejire, Togata and Tamaki, Midnight will drive you home guys." Aizawa says and we all run to the kitchen. It is the first time I see so much food and so good. We all indulge ourselves in the majesty of the food. When we are done, they leave and I am alone with Aizawa.

"I saw you practicing out there. You got quite a talent." He says. "Y-yeah. M-my quirk is a little c-cool." I say. "I am not talking about your quirk. I am talking about your heart and will. Please, don't give up being a hero. You will make it y/n. Trust me in that." He says. I nod. "I-I will try." I reply, making a promise to myself, not to give up. "C-can I ask you s-something?" I turn to Aizawa. "Sure." He replies kinda bored. "I-is it okay, i-if I don't use me o-other quirk? The e-erasing? Reminds me of h-him." I refer to Overhaul. "The choice is yours. You can do whatever you want with it." Aizawa says. "Go to bed now. It's late." Aizawa continues and I nod. "G-goodnight." I say and go to my room, determined to never use my erasing quirk.

I take off Tamaki's cape that I forgot to give him and change into the pajamas that Midnight-san bought for me. I go to the bathroom and clean Tamaki's cape out of the blood. I leave it to dry and I go back to my room. I lay on my bed, but I just can't get comfortable. It is too soft. I get up and get on the floor. I lay on the floor and find it comfortable. I doze off.


"AAAAH!" I scream as Overhaul tears my flesh apart, slowly and painfully. This has been going on for hours now. I don't even have the strength to scream as much as I wanted to. "Shut up ingredient!" Overhaul shouts and slaps me. I, however, can't contain my screams, getting on Overhaul's nerves. He is so pissed, that he calls it a day. He puts me on the electric chair and let it do the work. He puts a handkerchief on my mouth so that my screams aren't heard. I am feeling the electricity flowing into my body, making it unbearable. I want to scream so badly, but I can't. I hear them laughing around me. I want to cry. Put the pain from the electricity won't even allow me to do that. I can only scream, and that, with no much success. They leave me on the chair for hours, changing the voltage whenever they feel like it, causing me to suffer more.


I jolt upwards, waking up. I take shaky breaths. I am safe, right? I am not back in Overhaul's prison, am I? I open the lamp and look around the room. I can't seem to calm down. I hear a knock on my door and instinctively shrink in my place. "Y/n, are you okay?" I hear mr. Aizawa's voice. "Y-y-yes.' I say, with a shaky and trembling voice. "You don't seem okay. May I come in?" he asks. I don't really want him to pity me, so I refuse. "N-no I am-m o-okay. R-really." I say. "Your voice says otherwise. I am coming in." he says and opens the door. He looks at me. I am shrinked and trembling. The light from the lamp lightens up my face, which has a terrified expression on it. My eyes, scream 'traumatized'. "Y/n..." Aizawa says and crouches to my level once he has approached me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I flinch at the action. "Nightmare?" he asks me and I nod. "You are going to have those for a while. But don't worry, you will be safe with us." He says and I nod. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" he asks me and I shake my head negatively. "N-no. I d-don't think s-so." I reply. "Okay. Let's go outside to practice a bit. It will get your mind away from all your problems." He says and I nod.


Aizawa-dad mode at its start! You have no idea how this is going to escalate!! But anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and thank you for choosing my story!!! Kisses!! <33

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