Spilling the tea with tha sis

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"...And then, you arrived." I finish. Nejire muffles a scream, as much as she can. She gets up and starts jumping in circles. I laugh at her behavior. She suddenly stops and looks at me. "Y/n..." she starts. "What?" I ask her. she slowly yet steadily moves closer to me. "Y/n, today there is a full moon. What do you do when there is a full moon?" Nejire asks, grabbing my shoulders, creeping me out. "I-I go outside t-to admire the moon." I reply. "Exactly." Nejire says with a smirk. I blink multiple times, not understanding what my friend is talking about. "Just you wait." Nejire says, opening her textbook. We begin studying, with me still unaware of my best friend's plan.

At around 9:30 P.M. Nejire goes to her room, leaving me to enjoy the moon. I go to the balcony and put my hands on the balcony's edges. The moonlight reflects in my eyes. I am so lost in its beauty, that I don't realize the door opening and a person walking up to me. All I feel, is a wave of warmth going all over my body. I look at the source of it and see a jacket that belongs to... I look up and I am met with a pair of big purple eyes. I smile as Tamaki moves closer to me and we admire the moon together. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, not stuttering for the first time around him. "W-watching the moon with y-you. Nejire t-told me you wanted c-company, so I came." He says. I lean towards him sideways and place my head on his shoulder, my eyes glued on the moon. Tamaki slowly wraps his arm around my waist, so I shift closer to him. He turns to face me and I look too, deep into his glowing eyes. We lean in, closing the gap between us. Our lips are inches away, when...

"Y/n, have you seen my-" Sofia asks, getting in my room without knocking. She stops once she realized that she interrupted us. I look at her and Tamaki buries his head in his palms. "Sorry." Sofia lets out and exits the room, closing the door. "Sofia! What in the name of All-Might?!" I hear Nejire yelling. I look back at Tamaki, who has his face hidden in his hands. I can see the blushing up on the tips of his ears. I smile and remove his hand from his face. He looks at me and gulps. "Go to bed everyone! It's already late." I hear Leo shouting from downstairs. Great, the moment is lost.

I walk inside with Tamaki and I lay on the bed. Tamaki turns to leave, but I stop him. "T-Tamaki?" I ask him and he looks at me. "N-nightmares...." is all I tell him and he gives me a smile, realizing that I was referring to the awful dreams I have every night. He comes and lays next to me. He turns his back to me, probably because he is embarrassed. I let it be and I turn my back too. I drift off.

Tamaki's POV

I take all my courage and look at y/n. Oh no! She looks at me too! Oh, what do I do? What? Oh, she is smiling. I lean in and she does too. Okay, that's good. I close my eyes as the gap between us starts closing. I am ready to meet those soft lips of hers, when I hear Sofia's voice, interrupting us. I look at the door and see Sofia standing there, in shock of what she just saw. Great! I put my hands on my face to hide my embarrassed expression. I hear Sofia leaving. Y/n removes my one hand from my face and looks at me. Just as I think that the moment might return, I hear Leonardo telling us to go to bed. To be frank, no one dares to oppose to him, so I admit my loss. C'mon! All I wanted was to kiss the girl I love. I sigh and get inside and prepare to leave. "T-Tamaki?" I hear y/n's sweet voice and I turn around to look at her. "N-nightmares...." she reminds me of her awful dreams she has every night. How stupid am I to forget about it?! I go and lay next to her, turning my back to her, to hide my embarrassment, again. I immediately felt remorse for what I did. I look behind my shoulder and see y/n already sleeping, with her back turned towards me. Oh God, why me?

Y/n's POV

I wake up from the alarm's beeping. I yawn as I turn it off, with my eyes still closed. I had some nightmares last night, but I didn't wake up from them. They just made my sleep less pleasant. I turn to my side and open my eyes. I come across a non-sleeping Tamaki. His face is inches away from mine. I blink multiple times, as his face becomes redder and redder. We look away at the same time. "I-I s-should go c-change..." Tamaki says. "Mhm." I reply. Tamaki leaves and I get up to put some clothes too.

Once I am ready, I go downstairs, alone, holding the edge of the staircase for support. "Y/n! What do you think you are doing?!" I hear Nejire shouting at me. "What happened Nejire?" I ask her. "Y/N! You must not walk on your own!" she yells. "I am fine Nejire. Just a little sharp pain." I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me. She helps me go down the stairs, where we find the others. "Let's go guys." Leo says and we get out of the house.

I am walking with Nejire, Togata and Tamaki. Tamaki made his move and he is walking next to me. Time to make mine. I move my hand towards his, looking in front of me. I find his fingers. He flinches at my touch. I take up my courage and intertwine my fingers with his. Thankfully, he intertwines his fingers with mine too. I look at him and he is looking at the exact opposite direction of me. I see that the tips of his ears have turned red. I gulp as Tamaki holds my hand tighter and I do so as well. I can hear Nejire and Togata gasping. I smile to myself.

We have reached the school's gate. We walk towards our classroom, yet a voice stops us. "Y/n." Aizawa-sensei says. I turn around and look at him. My other classmates leave me, Nejire, Togata and Tamaki to talk to Aizawa. "How are you feeling?" he asks me. "Better, thank you. Tamaki helped a lot." I reply. Aizawa grins and looks down. I realize that I am still holding hands with Tamaki. Aizawa looks back at me. "Y/n, what is the meaning of this?" he asks me, referring to my holding hands with Tamaki. "I-I will explain later. I don't want to be late to class." I tell him and run to the classroom. "I am keeping an eye on you Amajiki." I hear Aizawa's voice behind us. Tamaki gulps and his palm is sweating. "Hey, calm down. We didn't do anything bad, right?" I ask him and he shakes his head in a 'no' way.

We take our seats and take out our textbooks, for Present-Mic's class. I don't pay much attention because I am thinking how it would be if me and Tamaki were together, like a couple. What am I saying? We haven't even had our first kiss!

In the middle of the day, we, the Big 4, are being called outside our classroom. We exit the class and there we see Nezu-sensei. "Hello students. We called you here, because we would like you to go in all classes A in our school and talk to them about yourselves. Togata and y/n, you will also fight against them. Class 1-A is first. Off you go." Nezu says and we walk towards class 1-A. Wow that was sudden.


hEYA bestieSs. I hOped yoU likEd this chapter. THank you for reAding my story!! LOve ya!! <33. 

P.S. Sorry fOr the sUDden big LettErs, My keybOard is relEasIng it'S finAl bReaths.

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