I killed someone...

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I am tied on a chair, while Overhaul is disassembling my arms. Below them, there are buckets to collect the blood that drops. In front of me, there is an elder man, held hostage by Overhaul. I know the rules of this game by heart. If I move or scream, the man will be gone. Up to this day, I have never screamed or moved, but this day it is different. Today, they are trying a new combination that requires 40% more blood than usual. Overhaul is deliberately disassembling my arms and twisting them, making more blood come out. I flinch and scream in pain. Once I have, I realize what I have done.

I look Overhaul in fear. "Oh, y/n, look what you will make me do." He says and takes out of his pocket his freshly-polished gun. I move my head frantically in a 'no' movement. He just smirks. He places the gun on the man's head. "Did you do it by accident? Are you not going to repeat it?" he asks me. "No, no, I am begging you, I won't do it again. Please just don't kill him." I beg for the man's life. "*sigh* I just don't think I can trust you." Overhaul says and pulls the trigger. I scream as the elder man's body, is now dead on the ground, with blood coming out of his skull. "AAAAH!" I scream as I see him like that. Overhaul keeps shooting the poor dead man. A few tears roll down to my cheeks and continue towards my neck. The more Overhaul shoots, the more tears escape the strong prison of my eyes.

Once he is done, Overhaul turns to me. "You, you monster!" I shout at him. "Me? I am the monster? Y/n he is dead because of you. It's your fault he is dead." Overhaul says and moves closer to me. He lowers down to my level. I feel his disgusting breath in my ear. "His blood, is in YOUR hands. Good luck living with that in your consciousness. Y/n, face the truth. You, killed him." He whispers.

For the first time in my life, I realize that he is right. I-I killed this poor man. I am his murderer. He is dead, because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I-I am the monster. Overhaul continues disassembling me part-to-part, as I cry in pain. Having understood that I am the accountable one for the elder man's fate, I scream, mourning him and myself as well. I hear Overhaul laughing in the background.


"AAAAAAAH!!!" I make a painful scream as I open my eyes. I sit up on the bed, despite the pain on my ribs and remember that awful day. The memory replaying over and over again in my mind. The door opens and the light turns on. Nejire -whose room is right next to me- and Tamaki are here, looking at me in concern. "Nightmare?" Nejire asks me and I shake my head in agreement. "Are you okay?" Tamaki asks me. "Y-ye-Ea." I reply. "You sure?" Tamaki asks me again and that's when I break down. "N-no." I say, crying. Tamaki rushes next to me, and places his hand on my back. Soon, more of my classmates are gathered outside my room. "We heard a scream, what happened?" Sofia asks. "Is everything okay?" Tsuki asks. Nejire blocks their view with the door and replies for me. "Yes, don't worry. We will explain everything tomorrow. Have a good night!" She closes the door and runs next to me.

In a matter of seconds, Togata emerges from the wall and when he sees me crying, he comes next to me too. "Y/n, what did you see?" Nejire asks me. "I-I..." I try to say, but I can't form a sentence. "Calm down y/n. We will sit here, until you are ready to tell us." Togata says and gives me a sweet smile. Nejire sits on a beanbag and Togata on my desk's chair. Tamaki sits on my bed and grabs my hand {all of Tamaki's actions, are done unconsciously by him, due to his concern about y/n.}.

I take a few shaky breaths and speak. "I-I had a f-flashback of...of...of the time I killed a person!" I say and break down in tears again. The rest of the group is in shock. "What do you mean?" Nejire asks me. I narrate the whole story and when I am done, my friends give me a smile. "You are a real idiot, you know that?" Nejire whispers. I give her a confused look. "It is definitely not your fault y/n! He knew you were sensitive about other people's lives and he used it as an advantage to break you down." Nejire explains. "But-" I object, yet Togata cuts me off. "No 'buts' y/n. He brainwashed you, as to believe that you killed him. You are not accountable for that man's death." "It h-happened because of m-my m-mistake though." I say. "No y/n." Tamaki says and looks straight into my eyes. The others watch in shock and amazement. "It is his fault that he tortured you and used you to fulfill his goal. The death of that man, was a consequence of his Overhaul's actions, not yours." Tamaki says. It is the first time I have heard Tamaki complete a sentence without stuttering. "T-thank you, all of you." I say. "No need to y/n." Nejire says.

"If you don't mind me asking, was the nightmare so bad, because of today's incident?" Nejire asks me and I nod. "Yeah. I think I am going to have some n-nightmares like these for a w-while." I say. "Then, we will stay with you all-through the night, to make you feel safer." Togata says and I shake my head in a 'no'. "I can't let you do that. I will wake you up all the time with my nightmares and you have school tomorrow." I say. "T-then, I-I will s-stay. I-if you w-want me to." Tamaki says. "I-If that's n-no p-problem for you, s-sure." I tell him, blushing up to my ears. "N-not a problem at a-all." He replies. "Then, we will leave you two. Tamaki, sleep too." Nejire says and gets up with Togata. They exit my room and I am left alone with Tamaki.

I scoot, to make room for him. He nods and lays down on the bed. I lay next to him, leaving a good amount of space between us. Thankfully the beds here are large. I doze off quicker than I expected.

I wake up at 6, after a restless sleep. The nightmares didn't stop, but thankfully the screams did. Tamaki helped me a lot during the night and he managed to calm me down (by just smiling at me and whispering to me that I am safe), faster than anyone else has. "G-good morning." I hear Tamaki's morning voice next to me. "G-good morning." I tell him and smile. "I-I am going to g-go now, to let you g-get dressed. W-would you like me t-to get you some c-clothes?" he asks me. "N-no thank you. I-I think N-Nejire will come." I say. At the exact moment these words escape my lips, I hear a knock on my door. "Me!" I hear Nejire's voice. "Come in." I say and the door handle goes down.

Nejire comes into the room and leaves the door open for Tamaki, who leaves awkwardly. Nejire looks at the door and once it is closed, she makes a silent scream and moves her hands frantically, while jumping her way towards me. "Did you cuddle? Did you kiss? Oh, tell me everything!" Nejire says excited. "We slept and when I woke up from my nightmares, he would ask me if I am okay. We stayed in a good amount of distance all night, because I was uncomfortable and I think he was nervous too." I say. "OMG! I gave you the best opportunity to show him how you feel and you threw it away! You better tell him before you return to school. Now, let me bring you some clothes and help you get dressed." Nejire says.

She brings me a pair of comfy leggings and an over-size shirt with Queen's logo on it. I take the bottom of my pjs off and put on the leggings. I take the top of my pjs off too and then I notice it; the bandage placed on my cut is too red. Thankfully it hasn't passed to the bed-sheets. Nejire notices too. "Oh my God you are bleeding! Where did I put the extra bandages? Oh, yeah." she opens a drawer and takes her sweet time, taking out and unfolding a bandage. "A little faster please!" I tell her. "Oh, yeah sorry!" she says and giggles.

I lay on my other side, this way allowing Nejire to change my bandage. She unwraps the previous one and puts on a new one. "Check it from times to times. It must not get that red. You will have Tamaki help you change it, okay? Great." Nejire says, not waiting for my response. I put on my shirt. "Now, let's go. Our classmates are waiting for you to tell them what happened yesterday. By the way, what are you going to tell them?" Nejire asks me. I sigh. "The truth. From the start." I say and I am met with Nejire's concerned eyes.


Ayyy!! Regrets! Qualms! Coming right at y/n! Hope you liked this part! If you did, consider giving it a voote!

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