It happens!

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We get up and leave our trays, quickly making our way to y/n's hospital room. I rush inside first and take my seat next to y/n. the others copy my moves. Recovery Girl comes from another room. "Oh, you are here. I have some good news. Should I start?" she asks and we nod. "Okay. Y/n will definitely wake up." Recovery Girl says.

I can't believe my ears. Nejire shrieks happily and hugs Recovery Girl, who is taken by surprise. Togata jumps around, clapping his hands, while I let some happy tears roll down my cheeks. "Thank you." I say to Recovery Girl and she smiles.

"When will she wake up?" I ask her, before she exits the room. "24 to 48 hours from now. If she wakes up sooner, inform me. I will go and say the news to Shouta." Recovery Girl says and leaves to inform Aizawa-sensei.

The rest of the day goes by agonizingly slow. By 9 P.M. we fall asleep, looking forward to y/n's waking up the next day, or the day after tomorrow. I hope you wake up the soonest possible, y/n.

The next morning...

I feel movement on my head. Is there a bug in my hair? I lift my eyes and see a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. I look where this hand comes from and I am met with a pair of e/c eyes, that I adore. "Y/n..." I mumble. "You are awake!" I say happily and she smiles at me.

Y/n's POV

I start hearing noises around me. I listen to the birds outside. Where am I? It is relaxing anyways. I have a feeling that I am safe. I smell the sterilized area around me embraced with a layer of antiseptic. I must be in a hospital. I can feel the back of my hand touching something like a sheet. Yep, I am definitely in a hospital. I wish I could move. I would get me a bottle of water. My mouth is so fucking dry! I try to open my eyes, but I can't really. I try to wake my body one body-part at a time.

I move my fingers at first, realizing a bit where I am and how I am laying. I then concentrate on my face and try to open my eyes again. I feel my face morphing and my nose scrunching as I manage to open my eyes a bit. I let in a small streak of light, until I get used to the light. Once I have gotten accustomed to the light, I flick my eyes open.

I look around the room and with great happiness, I come across my friends' faces. I smile as I see Togata sleeping with a smile glued on his face. I chuckle as I look at my best friend, who has fallen asleep with her phone on her hand. Finally, I blush as I see Tamaki's face buried in my sheets, with his hand touching my arm lightly.

I lift my hand and place it gently on Tamaki's head. I move my hand, ruffling his hair. I continue moving my hand through his soft hair. I feel him moving, which is a sign that he is waking up. I continue ruffling his hair, since it is calming me down. Tamaki opens his eyes and looks on top of his head, seeing my hand. He looks up at me. "Y/n..." he mumbles, with his morning voice. "You are awake!" he says excitingly, waking up at once and with eyes full of happiness. I smile since I didn't know he was looking so forward to my waking up.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay? OH! The others! Nejire! Togata! Wake up guys! Oh, we should also inform Recovery-" Tamaki starts saying in one breath, but I cut him off, pressing my finger against his lips. Damn they are soft. I smile at him, not able to talk yet, due to the dryness of my mouth, motioning to calm down and that everything is going to turn out fine. "Sorry." He mumbles and I shake my head negatively, to show him that he doesn't have to apologize.

Nejire and Togata are slowly waking up too. When they see me awake, I flash a smile and they scream. "You are awake!!!" Nejire shouts and I close my eyes, as a reaction to her high-pitched voice. "Y/n-chan! How are you feeling?" Togata asks me. I give them a thumbs-up. "We should inform Recovery Girl." Tamaki says. "On it." Togata says and runs through a wall. I smile, happy to see my friends again.

Nejire comes next to me and cups my face with her hands. "I missed you, you idiot." She says and removes her hands, laughing. I turn to Tamaki. He is looking at me with a huge smile on his face. I can't help my cheeks, but to turn a light shade of pink.

The door opens and Recovery Girl emerges, with Togata behind her. "Ah! Y/n you are awake. Great. How are you feeling?" she asks me. I will be asked that question a lot, I guess. I give her thumbs-up. "Oh yeah! You are parched! Someone bring her some water please." Recovery Girl says and Tamaki rushes to get me some.

Recovery Girl does a quick check-up. Tamaki returns with the water and he brings the cup up to my lips, helping me drink. I close my eyes as the cold beverage goes down my throat. Ah! I needed some water. I gulp as the last bit of water goes down my throat. "Do you feel any better now?" Recovery Girl asks me. "Y-yeah." I say in a raspy voice. "You will have a sore throat for the next few hours, but it will go away sooner than you expect it to. Now, you seem perfectly fine. I believe that you can get an exit pass in the next 5-8 hours. You recover quickly. Quite rare these days. Anyways, can any of you guys inform Shouta about y/n? I have many patients today." Recovery Girl says. "Sure, we are going now." Nejire says. "Thank you." Recovery Girl says and leaves.

"Me and Mirio are going to Aizawa-sensei. Y/n, I think you will be more than okay with Tamaki by your side. Tamaki, rush things up please!!" Nejire says and I blush, but not fully understand the last part about 'rushing it up'. Rush what up?

Togata and Nejire leave and I am alone with Tamaki. With slow movements, he holds my hand and caresses my palm. I stroke his hand as well. He makes eye contact with me. His sparkling purple eyes, look straight into my light/dark e/c ones. He moves closer, glancing at my lips. I lean in and take a glimpse of his light pink ones. The gap between our lips begins to close, when it happens.


Yay! Y/n is awake!! I hope you liked this chapter and you generally enjoy my story. Kisses!! <33

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