Practice, practice and some more practice

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I put my hair in a pony-tail and follow Aizawa outside. He turns on the garden's lights and we go outside. "Now, we will focus on your power control. I want you to try and make a wall from here (he shows me with his foot) to here (he shows me with his foot again). If you can, make it thick." He says. I nod. I crouch down and touch the ground. I take a deep breath and make the wall. Unfortunately, it is not within Aizawa-sensei's lines. "Hm. I knew this would happen. Try closing your eyes and imagine your surroundings as accurately as possible. I do as he says and try to make the wall again. This time, it is almost within the lines, but it is not thick. "Now, try to reverse what you did to the ground." Mr. Aizawa says. I have no idea how to do it.

I imagine the earth sucking back in the wall, but it seems and feels like it is shallowing me too, causing me to suffocate. I can't do anything to stop this. I feel my strenght draining away. I gasp for breath. Aizawa comes towards me and lowers down to my level. "What happened?" he asks me. "D-didn't you s-see that?" I ask him. "See what?" he asks me. "I t-too was going u-under the g-ground." I say. "So, when you reverse the ground's actions, you feel them having an effect on you. That is swallowing you and causing you to suffocate, am I right?" he asks me and I nod. "Y-yes. Exactly." I reply. "Well, we will have to work on that then, but from tomorrow. Now, just leave the wall there. Keep practicing and trying to make walls within a certain meter's limit." He says and I nod.

It is the crack of dawn. Me and Aizawa are still practicing. I am a little tired, because I have been awake since 2A.M. but I don't want to stop. I have yet to push my limits, however, I could use a breakfast break. "A-Aizawa-sensei, is it p-possible to h-have a s-short break? I am q-quite h-hungry. B-but only if i-it's possible sir." I say. "Sure. Go and eat something quickly. Be back in 20." Aizawa says and I nod.

I run inside and look for anything that is edible. I find some milk and some cookies. I eat as quickly as possible and go back outside. "That was quick. Now, let's get back to practice." He says and I nod. "Try to make it 5 meters thick, 4 meters high and 3 meters length." Aizawa says. "T-that is w-way too specific." I say, not knowing if I can make it.

I close my eyes and imagine my surroundings. I measure mentally the ground and set mental limits. I am ready to control the ground, when something shoves me away. I open my eyes and see that mr. Aizawa has pushed me with his scarf. I give him a confused look. "You were too slow. Again, with different measurements. Now try with 3mtrs, 7mtrs and 8mtrs." He says and I nod. I try again and again, but I never reach to the manipulation of the ground.

I am shoved away again. I get up, determined. "New measurements." I demand. "4.5 meters, 6.34 meters and 8.78 meters." He says. What the fuck are these numbers? You know what, I don't care. I will do this.

I take a deep breath and keep my eyes open. The problem is not that I am too slow to control the ground. It is that I am too slow to react towards Aizawa's attacks. I mentally measure my surroundings. Aizawa, tries to push me away with his scarf again, but I arch my back and avoid his attack. I focus back on the ground and make the wall. Finally!

"Very good. Now, let's check the measurements." Aizawa says and take out a small phone-like device. "Very good. The measurements are exact." Aizawa says and I lift my fist in the air. "Yay!" I shout. I hear clapping and I turn around. I see Nejire and Tamaki.

I run towards them. "Hey guys." I say. "Hello y/n! Wow that was amazing girl. How did you do it?" Nejire asks me. "I don't even know." I say. "Well done then." She says and laughs. "H-hey y-y/n." Tamaki says. "OoOh h-hey T-Tamaki." I say. "Did you just wake up?" Nejire asks me. "No. A-actually I have been up since 3A.M." I say. "Then why are you still wearing your pjs?" she asks me and I realize she is right. "F-fuck." I say and run to my room. I change into clothes and take Tamaki's cape that has dried.

I walk downstairs, with the cape. I hand it over to Tamaki. "T-thanks. F-for everything." I say. "N-no problem." He replies. "Aizawa-sensei told us to help you train, so let's go." Nejire says and I nod. We walk outside and train for hours. I am a lot better than I was yesterday.

It is afternoon now, so me and Nejire are going shopping. We are already on the train. "So...spill the tea!!" she says, quite loudly, attracting other passengers' eyes. "W-what tea?" I ask her. "You and Amajiki?" she says and elbows me. "W-what do you mean?" I ask her. "Oh, c'mon y/n! He gave you his cape! You always stutter around him and sometimes you blush! It is obvious you like him!" she says. "I have only known him for one day. I don't like him. I just feel gratitude. Plus I stutter with almost everyone new." I say. "You don't stutter with me, now. But okay, I agree it is soon. But I assure you that in a few weeks' time, you will." She says and I shake my head negatively. "Anyway, let's enjoy our walk now." Nejire says and I sigh.


Heya fellas! I would like to thank you so much for reading my story! I hope you liked this chapter and if you did, consider giving it a vote! <3

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