Class 1-A

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We get in class 1-A and we knock. "Come in." I hear Aizawa's voice. We open the door, as I pray for him not to mention the previous hands' holding with me and Tamaki and thankfully he doesn't. "These are the Big 4." Aizawa explains. "Wow! I can't believe that they are the Big 4 in the flesh!" a green-haired boy says. Then Nejire starts with the questions, creeping the students out. "Calm down Nejire." I whisper at her and she settles down. "Introduce yourselves." Aizawa says.

"I-I am y/n." I say and turn to Tamaki, expecting him to introduce himself. Instead, he is trembling and his lips are quivering. Oh no! The potato trick didn't work out! "Is he okay?" a student asks. I hold his wrist, letting him know that I am there for him. He gulps and manages to utter something. "I-I..." that's all he says. "He is Tamaki Amajiki and I am Nejire Hado." Nejire introduces herself. "And I am Mirio Togata!" Mirio says, in his usual happy tone. "Everyone wear your suits and find me in the training center." Aizawa says.

After putting on my hero suit, I go to the training center. "Let's see y/n first. Y/n, go up against the students." Aizawa says. "A-all of them?" I ask him and he nods. "Oh c'mon, she can't take us up all at once." A short purple-haired boy says. "And why is that?" a cute girl with a pink outfit asks. "Because she is a girl!" the short boy answers, receiving a tongue-slap by a toad-looking girl. "Shut it Mineta." She says and everyone gets in combat position. I think carefully of my next moves. I create two things at the same time; a barrier to protect me from their attacks and an earth-cage, that I make it flop on the ground, trapping the students and making them unable to move and use their quirk, since I formed the cages so, that if they use their quirk, they will hit their classmates. I emerge from behind the barrier and look at them.

"Get me out of here you little-" a blond guy starts, but the green haired boy cuts him off. "Wow! That was amazing!" he says and I smile. "Thank y-" I start but the blond cuts me off. "OI! I WAS TALKING, YOU STUPID DEKU!" The blond shouts and he doesn't stop. Aizawa motions me to reverse the cages and I do so, quicker than I used to.

As I open my eyes, I see Aizawa, erasing the blonde's quirk, who was chasing after the green boy. I chuckle as I go back to my original place. After Togata kindly beat their asses, I go to bring water for everyone.

Tamaki's POV

Y/n offered to bring water bottles for everyone. She is such a sweetheart. Me, Nejire and Togata are sitting silently, hearing to the students' conversation. "That y/n is pretty strong, don't you think?" A girl with pink outfit, named Uraraka says. "Tsk." The blond guy -whose name I think is Bakugou- comments. "It's her quirk that helps her. It's very strong. I don't think that there is a disadvantage in it." The green-haired boy -I think he is Deku??- says and I scoff. "If only you knew what she has been through to become that strong, you wouldn't talk about her like that." I mumble. I see y/n walking in, happily, carrying a bunch of water bottles. I smile, looking at her.

Y/n's POV

I take the bottles in the gym, where I put them down for the students to grab. I take four, for me and my friends. I sit between Togata and Tamaki. I put the water bottles down and look at my friends. "So when should we leave? Like now? To go to class 2-A." I ask them. "Yeah, I guess we could go." Togata says. "Great! Let's goooo!!" Nejire shouts, running out of the gym. Togata follows her running, after saying goodbye. Me and Tamaki wave goodbye and we go after our two friends to calm them down.

Time skip to next day, afternoon.

We have just finished our last class with Midnight-san and we walk out of the classroom. I am holding Tamaki's hand, receiving a smirk from Midnight-sensei. Then, I get a notification in my phone. It's a message from Aizawa-sensei.

(A=Aizawa, Y=Y/n)

A: "You are needed in the conference room, with the others of big 4."

Y: "Is everything okay?"

A: "We will inform you."

Y: "Okay...."

I turn off my phone and tell the others. We run to the conference room, where we find not only other students, but also professors and pro-heroes. Something is definitely not going well.

"Please sit down." Nezu says, with a serious tone. We comply and look at them with full attention. "We have another child victim, who is most probably abused. And the person we accuse is...Overhaul." Nezu says and I freeze.


I have great news!! My keyboard is okay!! Yay!!

I hope you liked that part and if you did, consider giving it a vote. It means more than you can imagine!! Love ya! Kisses!! <33

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