The ship is sailing?

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Tamaki's POV

I am looking outside of the window, when I feel weight on my shoulder. I turn my head around and see y/n's head rested on me. I turn red. I gulp and look at her. She has been sleeping for a while now. She is so pretty! What? No Amajiki! Stop. She doesn't like you and she never will. Who would like someone with anxiety? I can't even say one sentence without stuttering. I am a failure.

I sigh and look at y/n. I want to take a photo of her, but she may wake up and it will be weird and she will hate me. She is so beautiful. I remove some of the hairs that have fallen on her face. I caress her cheek, but quickly remove my hand, because it started trembling and I would have woken her up.

The train doors open. I lift her up and walk out of the train, since we reached our destination. I rest her head on my shoulder so that it doesn't hang limp. I hold her securely, as we walk towards her house.

When we reach her house, I open the door and walk inside. I lay her on her bed upstairs and stand still. I look around her room and see that she has quite some books. I take one and start reading it. I am focused on reading, but I cast some glances to her from times to times, to ensure that she is alright.

About half an hour has passed. I cast another glance at her and see her sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me. I blush and look to the wall, turning my back to her. "H-hey." She shyly says. It is the cutest when she is shy. "Y-you a-are awa-ake." I say stuttering. "Yeah. W-what are you r-reading?" she asks me. Oh God! I violated her personal space. I turn around and look at her. "Oh, I am s-so s-sorry. I didn't m-mean to-" I start but she cuts me off with a chuckle. "I-it's okay." She says and I sigh in relief.

"T-thank you T-Tamaki." She says and I blush even more. "F-for w-what?" I ask. "For e-everything. S-saving me from E-Endeavor, h-healing my wound and b-bringing me here. H-how did you e-even do that?" she asks me and my cheeks are feeling as if they are on fire. I scratch the back of my neck. "I-I may have c-carried y-you h-here." I say and she blushes...a lot. "O-oh." She says and tries to remain calm. I see that.

Y/n's POV

Aizawa bursts into the door. "Where is Nejire? What are you doing here Tamaki?" he asks. {DAD MODE ACTIVATED!!} "She had some things to take care. But really, where is she? Let me call her." I say and call Nejire. "Hey y/n!!" she says happily. "Hey, where are you? You said you would come." I say. "Oh yeah. Togata wanted ice-scream and I wanted too and we figured that you were safe with Tamaki so we didn't come. We are on our way to our houses. I will come by tomorrow." Nejire says. "Okay. Bye." I reply and hang up.

"She is not coming after all." I say. "Hm. It is late indeed. Go to your house Tamaki. They must be waiting for you." Aizawa says and a weird aura now exists in the room. I almost shiver at the way Aizawa was looking at Tamaki. "Y-yes s-sensei." Tamaki says. "B-bye y-y/n." he says as he exits my room, with my book still in his hands. "Bye T-Tamaki." I say.

Once Tamaki is gone, Aizawa comes and sits next to me. "How are you?" he asks me. "Good." I reply. "I am glad. You did very good today." Aizawa says. "Thank you, but I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Tamaki." I say and he frowns at the name. "To tell you the truth, I though you would freeze when you saw Tamaki. That's why we put him there." Aizawa says. "You mean that you put a person under a building only to test me? What if he got hurt?!" I ask him. "Everything was under control." Aizawa says and I ironically hum in reply. "What is good is that you are improving. However, what I saw today, is that your quirk has to be very accurate -not even a mistake of centimeter- when used inside the city, because otherwise there are damages to your surroundings. So when there are buildings around, avoid using too much your power. Use mostly the cage and slopes. Or whatever else you think is safe." Aizawa says and I nod. "Ok. But you know how much precision is needed for the cage, right?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah I know." Aizawa says. "Go to bed now kid. You must be tired." Aizawa says and leaves.


So, yeah. And about Tamaki, I haven't seen him ever since. He was way too busy with Fat Gum. Same with Togata and mr. Nighteye. I only talked to Nejire and with her few times. We were both busy. I hear the professor calling me inside. I sigh and open the door. {btw imagine that Togata is in class 3-A and not in 3-B and he is sitting next to Nejire.}

I walk to the center of the board and I am panicking. A bunch of new faces, some looking at me with disgust, some with ignorance and others with disgrace. "Introduce yourself." The professor says. "I-I am y-y/n a-and m-my q-quirk, is e-earth m-manipulation." I say. "Good. Be seated." The professor says and I make my way next to Tamaki, without casting any glance to the others.

During class, he passes me a note. It says 'Hey...' I reply with 'Hey. Long time no see, huh?'. 'Yeah. Did Aizawa give you your new costume by the way?' he writes back. 'No. He said it will be waiting for me, when I need it. Don't know what that means.' I write back and he nods to me and then to the teacher. He probably means that we should pay attention. I couldn't agree more.


The nest chapter contains more adventure. Don't worry my readers. I have got you covered!

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