Chapter Eight - The Daimon Residence

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Bracing my hands against the steering wheel, I gulped as I slowly entered River's street - he had offered to pick me up but I thought turning up in my over the top car would break the ice in regards to the identities of my parents.

Lunch at home had been a strained affair, on my end anyway, as I had been almost shaking at the thought of opening myself up so much. My mother had been bouncing in her seat while my father watched us with an indulgent smile - a smile which had turned into a grin when I told him that I would be taking the Spyder.

Both of them had known how big of a day this was for me. After years of hiding, I was letting someone in and introducing them to my universe in a most extravagant way. The car that smoothly answered my every movement had cost my father hundreds of thousands of dollars and there would be no avoiding River when he started asking questions.

I could only hope that he would understand my reasoning - I could only hope that he didn't hate me for practically lying to him.

I huffed out a short laugh as I kept my eyes on the numbers of the houses. The neighbourhood that the Daimon family lived was very nice and suburban but I'd never driven through it.

It was weird how after only two weeks, I was freaking out that I would lose my only friend because of my attempt to make friends who wouldn't use me.

Karma seemed to be a humorous bitch, I thought.

My hands reacting before my brain did, I swung the car sharply into the driveway of 137 Lisa-Murray Drive. This had been the address that River had passed to me before I had said my goodbyes to him the day before.

Similar to my own home, I had to stop after only a few metres since the property was protected with high walls - River had wanted to give me the code to the gate but I had refused. We had only known one another for two weeks and to simply pass it over seemed a breach of trust between him and his family who were relying on the protection.

One day I hoped to be able to exchange such things but for the moment I had wanted to hold off until after I found out if River was going to kick me to the curb.

Since the car was currently topless and the windows lowered, I simply leaned an arm out and pushed the appropriate button, waiting for someone to answer the intercom.

It crackled to life, "Good afternoon. How may I help you?" The voice sounded choked and nasally as I pressed the button once more.

"Hi, my name is Alira Heath and I'm meant to be dropping by to see River," I answered, trying to speak loudly enough to be heard.

"Ah yes," the man answered, "Do you have an appointment?"

I pulled back to stare. An appointment?

"Umm, no but he is expecting me," my eye brows scrunched tightly as I worried at my bottom lip. Had I needed to call ahead? River had mentioned needing to schedule an arrival time with his security.

"I'll have to..."


The sharp sound had me flinching back.

"Ow, goddamn, Mum. What was that for?" The voice had been replaced by one that I easily recognised as River.

"Stop teasing the poor girl and let her in," A lady answered him - the distortion from the intercom couldn't mask the annoyed exasperation in her voice as she continued to berate her son.

I wasn't sure if I was pissed or amused by River's teasing trick but I did know that as soon as I reached him, I would add my own whack to the back of his head.

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