Chapter Forty Four - Launch Into High Society

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After dinner, my father waved at me to follow him into his office where I curled up on one of the comfy lounges next to him.

He pulled me into a side hug, his scent reassuring as I felt all of the tension from the day drain out of me, "How are you, Jellybean?"

I sighed deeply, "Fine, I guess. Drained."

"I'm not surprised with everything that has gone on lately but I have been so proud of you. You've handled yourself wonderfully but there are some things that still need to be sorted."

I nodded and moved away slightly so that we could face one another, "What happened with Mr Mathison after I left?"

He smoothed down his hair, "He signed the papers and agreed to begin his retirement from tomorrow. I've spoken to some of the school board and they have suggested promoting from within for the time being until a permanent replacement can be found."

"That sounds like a good idea," I paused. "Do you think he'll keep his word about not alerting the media?"

He shrugged, "He will if he doesn't want to be charged with blackmail." His eyes softened, "Is that something you really worry about? You know that you could test out early and start late at college -any of them would have you and we both know that you've got the grades to make it through the exams."

Biting my lip, I shrugged, "I don't think it really bothers me. I may have to actually thank Mr Mathison. At first, I was really worried about what might happen to you and River's family if he went to the parents or the media but now..." I looked away, "River and his family made sure to tell me that they don't care what happens as long as I don't try to shut them out and I know that you can handle it all if need be."

He smiled, "That's a big change. For the past few years all I've heard is how much you wanted to live without my influence because you wanted to have that experience but now..." He shook his head, "Is this River?"

"Some of it is," I replied slowly, trying to work through it all. "Having him there, knowing that he knows who I am. It's made me realise how stupid my stubbornness has been. I thought I wanted a real high school experience and maybe that happened but in the end all I've managed to do is turn myself into a victim. After that first year when I realised what Miranda had done, I should have dropped out but I so wanted to prove that I could take it and I think that I was looking for someone there to have the guts to go against her and at least talk to me but they never did and I just took it." Frustrated tears welled in my eyes, "I'm glad that I did it only because I have River as a friend now but it was pain that I could have avoided if I'd just..."

His hands picked up one of my own, "That's enough, Alira. You're not stupid. You wanted to see if there was someone out there who would see you for who you are and not what you have. I admire that and yes, perhaps you could have moved on before now but that isn't the type of person I raised." He chuckled wryly, "You're too much like me, I'm afraid. Once you have a bone..."

I laughed, agreeing with him.

He sighed, "I knew that you were unhappy. Both of us did but you would never talk about it and since your grades were never affected, I left it alone. That was my wrongdoing and I should have pulled you out after that first week when you came home with slumped shoulders – you have impressed me so much with your perseverance and your kindness, sweetie. Meeting River was karma finally bringing happiness back into your life and I'll always think highly of him just for that." His eyes narrowed playfully, "Unless he hurts you, of course."

"I don't think you have to worry about that."

"No," He patted my cheek. "I think he'll take good care of you."

The grandfather clock chimed for a moment before either of us spoke again.

"Whether or not the principal speaks out, I think that it may be time to reintroduce you to the world, Jellybean. I've kept you out of the media as easily as I've kept myself out but with your mother's label reaching new heights all of the time, I'm finding it harder and harder to avoid the spotlight and I want to be able to support your mother more in public..."

I cut him off, "You've had to worry too much about how I would react. I'm sorry, I didn't really think it all through when I decided to enroll at Ashton."

He slashed a hand through the air, "I've been keeping my silence for too long myself and it had nothing to do with you but I think it's time."

Knowing that my life was about to change I still smiled, "What can I do?"

"The Ball," His smile widened, "I know that you've never had any interest in party planning but with Miranda now wanted for assault, there is no one left to take over."

"They haven't caught her?"

His lips dropped and tightened, "I've been kept informed and apparently the young lady escaped out of her bedroom window when the police first arrived and has not been seen or heard from her since then."

I slumped back, "If we're going to make a formal announcement to the media, then I suggest that we do it before formal charges are laid. It's going to need to be kept under control." I rubbed my forehead, "God, when she finds out, she's going to cause a heap of shit over all of this."

He tapped my knee, "Language, young lady. And don't worry too much about that right now. I want to talk about the Ball."

I groaned, "No one is going to want to work with me and it's a committee event. Why can't we just let them take over?"

"I spoke to the principal that will be taking over from tomorrow after the board finished filling him in and he suggested that it might be a lovely way for us to begin helping the school. I had plans to formally donate money anyway since the anonymous checks I've been handing over haven't helped any. The Ball will be completely funded by your mother and I – we want for this to help signal a new beginning for Ashton."

"Gah," I whimpered, "But why me?!"

"You know that I don't trust anyone but you with that kind of money and I want for all the students, including you, to realise that things can change for the better and school doesn't have to be a struggle. The majority of the families come low socioeconomic backgrounds and feel almost as disillusioned as what you do. The Ball is something small but it's a good way to ease everyone into the differences that are bound to come about now."

Still feeling pained, I conceded, "Fine. If this will help everyone out, I'll do it but any of Miranda's followers try to take over and I walk out." I blew out a breath, "Thank god it's only for a few weeks."

"Get River to help you and remember that you can use any resources that you need to," He rubbed a hand over his drawn face. "I'll organise for an interview the day after the Ball – we'll go big so be prepared and it'd be best if you give me the Daimon's phone number so that I can let them know what might happen."

Tired now, I jumped up and pecked him on the cheek before heading for the door. "Life's about to get interesting, Daddy."

"Yes, yes it is, Jellybean."

He waited for me to have one foot out of the door before I heard a curiously amused, "You might want to remember that we have cameras near the front door the next time that Heath drops you home."

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