Chapter Fifty One - The Ultimate Fight

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Heath's POV

After stepping out of the shower, I wiped at the steam covered mirror and grimaced. Alira was probably going to have something to say about the fact that I now sported a bruise which started at the bottom of my jaw and ran up to cover most of my right cheek.

I'd forgotten how hard Scott could hit, it wasn't very often that he managed to get through my guard but I'd spent the night distracted.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't spend our night apart thinking about her but something about the way that she had acted before leaving had nagged at me, worried me until I could barely resist the need to talk to her or River, make sure that everything was ok.

They were due back in a little over an hour but the silence was slowly getting to me. Scott had left when I had called a halt and I knew that my parents had decided to sneak out to a movie. It was amusing that they still acted like teenagers except when I caught them making out. That was just...disturbing.

I dropped the towel on the rack and walked naked into my bedroom where I slipped on a pair of loose sweats, picking up my phone to check the time for the millionth time.

"Ah, fuck it," I muttered, swiping at the screen and pulling up River's number. I could probably get away with checking in with him easier than calling my girl when I knew that we had agreed on an 'alone' night. I thought it was ridiculous but since we had spent every evening for the past week curled up in her theatre room, I guessed that maybe she just wanted a little breathing room.

I could understand that even if it wasn't what I wanted. We seemed to be bypassing the whole 'getting to you know you' cutesy stage and heading straight for the 'I want to shackle to my side at all times' stage.

Intense but so right.

When River's voicemail message came up, I grunted and hit Alira's number instead. Fuck space, I wanted to hear her voice and make sure that they were both ok.

When it went through, I felt my muscles loosen, a smile pulling at my lips.

"Kitten?" I heard the sounds of panting and rain. "Kitten, are you there?"

For a second there was nothing but background noise but then a small whimper turned my blood cold. "Heath." Her voice was slurred, "Heath, I'm scared."

I felt everything stop, my blood, my heart. Everything.

My stomach dropped to the floor as I tried to get her to talk to me.

There was nothing more than a small crackle and rain.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Where the fuck was River? What the fuck was going on?

"Alira?! Fucking answer me!"

I was already moving. My chest and feet still bare as I snatched up my wallet and keys, running for the stairs and then the front door as I kept up a running monologue, trying everything to get some sort of indication of what was happening.

With my fingers trembling and my pulse thudding painfully, I clenched my teeth and hung up. It was useless. I tried River again and caught his voicemail once more, the ominous silence from him sending heat and panic flooding through my already adrenaline-filled figure.

The only other time that I had ever felt so scared was when my mother had finally called in tears to tell me what my little brother was going through while I was travelling. I'd dropped everything to fly back and sort it all out and now there was this.

I fucking knew that I should never have let them go without me, fuck the consequences.

No matter how many times I tried, there was never an answer from Alira or River as I broke at least twenty road rules in my rush to get to the high school.

It probably only took fifteen minutes but by the time I pulled on to the correct street I felt as though it had taken hours.

I almost slammed on my brakes as I realised that my life was descending into hell. The rain was battering mercilessly at my car but I couldn't help but see the crowd of fancy dresses and suits lining the paths and the ambulance which blocked the entire road into the carpark.

I knew. Even as I tried to hold on to some hope, I knew that the figure the paramedics were shielding was my little kitten.

Uncaring of anything but getting to her, I pulled on my parking brake and dove from the still running vehicle. The water was cold on my skin but I barely felt, my entire being focussed on that little group.

I didn't even need to push them out of the way. Her tiny feet were still covered in those cute little flats, her hair swirling in a gathering puddle.

My knees almost gave out then but I forced myself forward, listening to the way the two medics barked information at one another, their urgency obvious as a body suddenly blocked my view.

"Mr Daimon," An older gentleman murmured, his shoulders tight as he tried to capture my attention. "You are Heath Daimon?"

"Yes," I whispered, not even bothering to look at his face as I watched for any sign of life from that still figure laid out across the cement.

"My name is Principal Donaldson and I understand that your brother River is quite close to Alira Heath?" His voice was steady even though I heard the tension underneath it.

"Yeah. What the fuck is going on?" I burst out, not giving a shit about the man or manners or anything other than finding out what had happened.

"Miss Heath was drugged and accosted by another student. Normally I wouldn't tell you this but since I haven't been able to contact her parents or your brother..."

At that I finally dragged my eyes to his face, "What the fuck do you mean, you can't find River? He was her escort."

He slowly shook his head, his eyebrows lowering, "I'm afraid that Miss Heath arrived alone tonight and no one has spotted River at any point throughout the night."

My head spun. I knew. I didn't need to hear anything else to know that the two of them had broken the one promise that I had asked them to keep. They had conspired together, planned the perfect way for River to sneak off with that red-headed whore while leaving his best friend, my girl, amongst a bunch of people who had never given a shit about her.

I gritted my teeth until my jaw ached, "She was drugged? With what? And who the fuck did this to her?"

He held up both of his hands, "All that I have been able to get from the paramedics is that Miss Heath is currently experiencing an overdose of what could possibly be GHB."

I wanted to kill something, cry...anything to let out the rage that was tearing my fucking chest apart. I knew all about GHB. An overdose could kill her, she was so small and it wouldn't take much.

"Who?" I growled.

"Mr Hea..."

"Who?" I roared, those fucking pathetic spectators flinching back.

"I can..."

I snapped and grabbed him by the collar, his arms trying to break my hold, "It doesn't matter. I'll find out and the moment that I know she's safe, I'll find them and kill them."

Flinging him away from me in disgust, I ignored the approaching police siren and shakily walked towards the two men as they began to shift Alira's body onto a bed. Her face was turned away from me but even under the poor lighting, I could tell that the movement in her limbs wasn't natural.

"Wait," I reached them. "I need to go with you."

Neither looked up as they rushed towards the open ambulance. "Family only," One barked.

She slid in and I slapped a hand on the closing door, "I am family. She's my fiancé."

"Get in," The other demanded, his head hovering over her as they fought to keep her alive. "We don't have much time."

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