Chapter Twenty Three - Are You Going to Deflower My Baby Boy?

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"I still don't understand what's happening?" I asked River as he dragged me in the direction of his bedroom.

He huffed, "My mother has decreed that you will not spend the night alone at home — we're going to have a sleepover."

"And you want to do this?" I was confused. Why did he seem so happy? We weren't prepubescent girls and I had no plans of indulging in a half-naked pillow fight, so I didn't really see why he seemed eager to have me invade his home overnight.

Opening his door, he pulled me through before slamming the door shut and finally releasing my arm, "Do you not want to? If you would really rather stay at home, I'll help you concoct some elaborate excuse for my mother." He grinned, his glasses slipping down as I sighed and jumped face down onto his lounge.

"I have no problem staying here but it means that I'll have to drive home and pick up some clothes." I whined as he dropped down on the floor in front of me, "I just got here!"

He chuckled, "We don't have to leave right this second — let's watch some movies, play Xbox and have food before we head over later on."

My head rose so that I could squint at his joyful expression, "You just want to see my house, don't you?"

He gasped and pushed a hand over his heart, "You insult me...yes."

I dropped my head back down, rocking my body as he shook my shoulder.

"Come on, RiRi. Your parents are amazingly wealthy and your car is worth nearly as much as this house — I want to bask in the knowledge that my best friend can now be my sugar mumma."

I groaned loudly, "Does it run in the family?"


"The ability to astound me with one sentence," I answered sarcastically, thinking that I would need to get used to it quickly if I was going to spend time within the Daimon household.

"You know...I think it does. Isn't it fabulous, RiRi?"

"Joyful!" I ignored his cheerful answer as I slowly raised myself into a sitting position. "So?" I looked around, "What movies do you have?"


"I really don't think that it's necessary, Keira," I protested, my eyes wide as I focused on the amount of food spread over the table. River and I had spent a number of hours skimming through his television series collection before his mother had come practically dancing into the bedroom to announce that lunch was ready and about to be selfishly devoured by Mr Daimon, Heath and Luke.

Seated in between River and Keira, I felt it slightly unnerving to be essentially surrounded by large males who seemed to delight in engaging me in conversation even though I preferred to stare at my food and knock my leg against River's whenever he flicked my ear.

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