Chapter Fifty Six - When He's Gone

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Once the initial shock had worn off, the room seemed to explode. People were yelling, trying to run out of the room while Mrs Daimon stood clutching at her husband, silent as she tried so hard not to cry.

I looked wildly up at Heath, "What? What do they mean? Where is River?!"

"Shh, sweetie," My mother tried, her hand gentling over my forehead.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," I whimpered, pushing her away and throwing the blanket off of my legs.

"Alira," Mum pleaded. "Timothy! Control the situation, please!"

"Let me go!" I cried, ignoring the frantic beeping of the machine beside me.

My father's concerned face swam into my vision, "Jellybean, you need to stay in bed. We'll figure out what's going on but you need to stay resting."

Heath was still heading for the door even as his parents trailed after him, seemingly deaf to my pleading.

In an act of pure desperation, I ripped at the tape covering my arm and mercilessly pulled the cannula out, blood staining the white of the sheets.

Even with my father trying to restrain me, I still managed to gain my feet just as Heath's hand hit the door.

"What did you do?!" I screamed at him, the noise a shriek that wouldn't be ignored.

His strong body froze for a second before he turned to me, "What?"

"Where is River?"

His chuckle was choked with disbelief, "That's what I'm going to find out." He seemed to realise that I was struggling towards him, "You need to lay back down, Kitten."

"Don't tell me what to do. I want to know what happened to my friend. I need to find him."

Face slowly turning red, he pointed a finger at my face, "I need to find MY brother."

"You mean the little brother you most probably put into the hospital yourself?"

"Fuck you, Alira." He roared, the Blackbourne guards pouring into the room as my father clenched a hand around my arm.

"You'll watch your mouth, boy," Daddy spat, his tether snapping.

"They did something stupid and both ended up in the hospital!" His protest was heated, his mother trying to restrain him as Thorn clenched a fist.

"You're right," I replied, calmly. "But that was our choice to make and I am as guilty, if not more so, than River. I could have mentioned it to my father, gotten someone else to keep me company at the Ball instead of stupidly going alone when I knew that Miranda was still out there. I didn't do anything and I ended up paying the price. If you're going to stay angry at your brother then you can't give me a free pass."

"What is all this about?" Heath snapped. "River's missing and you want to pick a big fight when I've already told you that I'm not angry about you both lying to me."

"You may have told me that but it's not exactly true," I sighed. "When you find him, what will you do?"


"You'll yell and probably hit him but that's exactly what can't happen, Heath." I tried to show how much I meant my next words, "Don't destroy your relationship with your brother because of me. Please."

He nodded shortly, "I'm sorry for swearing at you," and turned to walk out of the door.

"What was that, Alira?" My mother asked, a frown emphasising how tired she looked.

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