Chapter Thirty Six - Past and Present

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A/N: Photograph of Camilla Wade

I wasn't sure how it had come to this but I couldn't decide whether I wanted to smile or hide – once Heath and I had finally walked back downstairs, my mother and River were happily ensconced in the kitchen, drinking tea.

Even though Heath and I weren't touching, there was something in my mother's eyes that gave me the impression that she knew exactly what we had been up to.

I couldn't even believe that he had kissed me – how on Earth had I gone from only just realising that I liked him to ending up in his arms?

True, we hadn't taken the time to talk about what might come next but I just felt peacefully happy – worried but definitely happy.

River waved us over, his smile wide, "RiRi! Your Mum was just telling me about their trip to Washington DC. Why didn't you tell me why they went?"

I blushed slightly as Heath slipped onto a chair next to me, his hand quickly creeping to cover my knee underneath the table, "Because I thought that you might spontaneously combust."

He scoffed, "They had dinner with the President." His hands waved wildly, "How did I end up with a friend whose parents have an open invitation into the White House?"

I flicked my fingers at him, trying to ignore the heat that was creeping through my body, "You're just..."

Before I could finish my sentence, the first strains of 'Bliss' by Muse began pouring from the mobile phone sitting on the table in front of River.

I jerked slightly in surprise, biting my lip when Heath's hand moved soothingly across my thigh – it was surreal, knowing that not long ago he had been pressed against me.

"Who is it?" He asked his brother as River pushed his glasses higher on to his nose and peered down at the screen.

"It's a private number," River turned to my mother and smiled, "Would you excuse me while I take this?"

She smiled and waved for him to leave, "Of course, use any room you need to and I'll make sure you're not disturbed."

He winked at me before rushing from the room.

"So," my Mother murmured, gently setting down her teacup, "I never thought I'd have Heath Daimon sitting at my kitchen table."

He smiled sweetly, "I don't think that it's much to brag about."

She leaned back, "On the contrary, you're becoming quite the household name since your movie was released." She glanced at the doorway before looking back at him, "What do you want to do next?"

"I have to train for my next UFC circuit and I think that my agent has a few things he wants me to look at but nothing has been confirmed just yet," he shrugged.

"When will you be leaving?" I asked quietly, wondering if I was going to end up being nothing more than a distracting fling.

His eyes turned to meet my own and I could see his struggle to keep his expression neutral – before heading downstairs we had decided that it might be best if we kept our relationship private until we had a better chance to talk.

"Nothing has really been confirmed."

I nodded, "Hopefully you'll still be here for graduation." I flicked a look at Mum, "For River, of course."

"I wouldn't miss it."

Mother clapped, "Excellent! Although we have to worry about Alira's eighteenth birthday before then."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her, "Mother..."

"Heath," River's voice preceded his reappearance in the room.

We all turned towards him, my stomach jumping as I noticed how pale he seemed to have gone.

"River?" I whispered.

He shook his head, his eyes on his brother, "That was..." His voice trembled and I noticed the way that his fingers clenched rhythmically around his phone.

"What's wrong?" Heath demanded, his chair scrapping along the floor as he jumped to his feet. "Who was on the phone?"

River looked away for a moment, "It...It was Camilla."

The air itself seemed to still as I watched Heath's body tighten, "What?" He asked almost silently.

"I don't know how she got my number...I swear that I haven't spoken to her since..." Unease rippled across his face as he glanced my Mother and I. I wasn't sure if she felt the same but I suddenly wanted to be anywhere else – this was obviously meant to a private conversation between the two of them.

I cleared my throat, "Maybe Mum and I should..."I didn't get the chance to finish as Heath suddenly roared, "What the fuck is she doing calling you?"

"Heath," I admonished softly, glancing at my Mother. This was definitely going to give the kind of impression that I had hoped – most Mothers would object to their daughters dating men who screamed obscenities in their home.

"I didn't contact her!" River yelled back, "I swear!"

Heath exhaled sharply, "What did she say?"

River looked away, rubbing his empty hand across his chest, "She wants to see me."

This time, Heath's swearing was so virulent that I wanted to cover my own ears. "How the fuck was she planning on that?"

"She's here."

"Here?" Heath rumbled, "What do you mean by here? Here in the city?"

River nodded, his complexion losing even more colour, "She said that she wants to talk...she wants to apologize." His eyes turned dark, "Heath..."

"No," Heath shook his head before moving forward so that he could poke at River's chest, "After everything, you are not facing that bitch. Get it out of your fucking head."

"Maybe it would help..."

"Help what?" Heath exploded, "Help put you back in fucking rehab?"

I knew by the way that they both froze that my shocked gasp had been too loud, "Rehab?"

"Shit," Heath muttered. He clapped his hands on River's shoulders, "Just forget it. I'll organise to have that number blocked and I'll make sure that she can't get to you."

"Maybe..." River whispered hoarsely, his eyes desperate as they met mine.

"No," Heath snapped, pushing him out of the doorway. "No fucking way."

He stormed from the room, not bothering to look back even as I called his name.

"May I ask what is going on?" My Mother's voice interrupted.

River's head dropped forward as he pressed a hand to his forehead, "My ex-girlfriend is in town, apparently."

"River?" I asked gently.

He chuckled humourlessly, "I guess we need to talk now, RiRi."

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