Chapter Forty Seven - Sinking Feeling

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If I had to find only one word to describe the crowd of suited males before me it would be: intimidating. They were all broad shouldered with strong arms but that was where the resemblance stopped – some were handsome while others were more serial killerish, some tall others sort of squatish – but each and every one of them wore a welcoming smile as Heath stepped into the centre of what I assumed was usually the caged ring. At the moment, the walls had been removed, allowing for a flat space big enough to fit all of us comfortably. Everywhere else was ascending rows of seat, easily thousands of them.

"Look, a pretty little girl," One of the tallest crooned before he winked at me, "And he bought a date!"

"Fuck off, Damien," Heath called back lightly, skimming a hand down my back until it rest just above my bottom. "Guys, this is Alira."

"What she doing with you loser?" Another taunted, fist bumping the guy next to him as they all chuckled.

"She's got good taste," Heath answered, his body relaxed as he tucked my own into it. "Maybe you could all back off a little before she runs away screaming."

Sadly I had to admit that if he hadn't been with me, I probably would have. Or I at least would have wanted Thorn and his co-worker, Si, in front of me.

Damien stuck out his hand, gently shaking my own as the others all spread back out into their small groups, chatting and chugging beer even in their elegant formalwear.

"Wonderful to meet you, Alira. I'm Damien Holie or 'Spectre' as they call me in the ring."

I smiled, "It's nice to meet you."

His blue eyes twinkled happily while he rubbed against the edges of tattoo on his neck, "Did the Demon here drag you along to this stuffy old shindig?"

Sensing that I had an ally in him, I leant forward, "It's our first date."

He froze, "No shit!" He yelled towards the others, "Oy! Looks like our baby boy doesn't know how to treat a lady!"

This just started a cacophony of offers to take me off his hands and show me around.

Heath just rolled his eyes, "Coming here wasn't really my idea, assholes. I was told to show my face and it just so happened that my date with Alira coincided. I came in say hello before we disappear."

"Disappear where?" Damien slyly asked, smiling gently at me as I tried to estimate how tall he actually was. He was definitely bigger than anyone I'd ever met, which was saying something considering how many body guards I'd been around.

"Somewhere that Scott set up for me. I'm not stupid enough to think that this is showing a girl a good time," Heath retorted, his fingers tightening slightly.

"So," I interrupted. "How long have you been in the industry, Mr Holie?"

An eyebrow rose, "About ten years, Miss Alira. I'm actually thinking of retiring soon." He patted a leg, "This sport is hell on the body and mine doesn't have much left in it any more, I'm afraid."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I murmured, surprised that he would just come out and share that with a complete stranger and especially in front of Heath. Weren't they opponents?

"You're doing better than most of the younger guys," Heath dismissed, his eyes filled with turmoil. It wasn't hard for me to see that the two of them were friends and he was now worried.

Damien chuckled and clapped the younger man on the shoulder, "Retirement doesn't mean death, Heath. I'd still be around." He chuffed my chin gently, "Now, get this little flower out of here before one of the guys thinks about challenging you for her."

I smiled, "They'd find their prize extremely unwilling if they managed to knock out the Demon."

The large man guffawed, "I doubt they'd manage it, love."

"Shall we, Kitten?" Heath gestured towards another door.

I nodded and said a quiet goodbye to Damien, waving at the others as they began to yell their own farewells to us both.

As we stepped into another bland hallway, I turned my face up, "We could have stayed with them longer. I'm not in a rush."

"I know and I meant to take you around to meet them all but..." He blew out a breath. "Damien has been a huge mentor for me and when he admitted that he was retiring..."

I smiled sadly, "I understand. Maybe I can come to training with you one day or even a fight to meet everyone?"

"I'd like that, Kitten. Fights can be pretty intense though and they're never pretty."

"Of course not. You're all adrenaline junkies who get off on hitting one another. There's nothing pretty about that."

He tapped my bottom with his fingers, "Cheeky. Do you really think I only fight because I want to hurt people?"

Realising my mistake, I pulled him to a stop and cupped his face in my hands, "Of course not. I admire what you've done to get to this point. I mean, I don't like the thought of having to clean you up all the time if you get hurt but that doesn't mean that I don't support you or want you to succeed."

His hands settled at my waist, "Fighting isn't for everyone. Do you think that it'll bother you when I have to go out on a circuit? Sometimes I'm gone for months."

Pulling my lip between my teeth, I hesitated. "I suppose I shouldn't lie. I don't know what I'll do if we get serious enough that I'm always having to play the waiting girlfriend at home."

"Whether you want to admit it or not, Alira, we're already serious. This is us just easing up to the big stuff." He looked away for a second, "There are always options."


Shaking his head, he released me, "Let's talk more once we get upstairs, ok?"

Upset but unsure why, I nodded and started to walk towards what was obviously an elevator.

His fingers slid between my own just as we reached the doors, "I didn't mean to bring the mood down."

"You didn't," I squeezed his fingers. "There's just a lot to figure out."

"Maybe but there's nothing that we can't work around."

For some, broken reason, I was suddenly unsure whether I agreed with him.

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