Chapter Forty One - Heat

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Cover Art by SnappingPolaroids :)

I looked at my phone once more, hoping that the message had changed.

Dad: Everything is sorted with the principal. Miranda has yet to be located by the police and I have some bad news, unfortunately. You're going to have to do some PR for the family and finish the Ball planning. I will explain more when you get home. Love you, Jellybean. P.S. Best behaviour at River's. Don't come home pregnant.

I seriously wanted to kill him sometimes! What father says that kind of thing to his daughter?!

Oh wait, mine.

I honestly slapped myself before remembering that although he was strange, I would never change him.

Reading the line about Miranda for the third time, I sighed. Great! My father had never told me that he had called the police but knowing that she was still on the streets...knowing that she was going to get charged with assault because of me...

I wasn't thrilled about that either but there was nothing that I could do about that problem except wait for the police to locate her.

The sound of loud, pounding music brought me back into the moment as I stared at the large closed doors.

Heath was on the other side and, apparently, hadn't been out since the night before. His mother was worried and River was beginning to show the strain of wanting to really speak to his brother about what was going on with Camilla.

Instead of heading home after school, I had jumped on River's bus and agreed to try and coax him out.

I whacked my hand against the metal, waiting for a reply which never came.

There was no answer to the next set of knocks either.

I blew out my breath and considered just heading back to the house before I remembered that there was a set of windows on the opposite side of the building which were low enough for me to slip through.

It wasn't that I wanted to invade his privacy, I just wanted to talk to him. Find out what was going inside his mind.

Find out what was going on with us.

I immediately regretted leaving my shoes inside the house as my toes sank through the top layer of displace dirt. I was going to have to hose them off before stepping onto Mrs Daimon's floors.

The music went up in the volume the closer I got to the window, making me wince. How could he stand that?

The sill stood at about waist height which gave me the chance to peek through before I barged in.

There he was.

Standing in front of the punching bag, he slumped, shirtless and dejected.

It was obvious that he had spent the majority of his time exercising, trying to work out the aggression and stress.

I was quiet as I lifted myself up and through the window, my feet leaving rings of dry dirt on the floor as I waited to see if he would notice me.

He didn't even flinch as I finally decided that I wasn't going to let him stew anymore.

I strode across the room, my eyes tracing the line of his spine. He was beautiful as only a strong male could be, strong and so real.

His tattoos were on sharp display as I squinted at the intricate lines circling his right shoulder and bicep. It appeared to be a stylized hell scene, complete with demon king.

I honestly believed that the stillness of his body was due to the fact that he was taking a moment to relax before he started at the bag again but seconds after I smiled at the little rose I found within the demon's cloak, I was gently slammed onto the floor with an unforgiving male body, settled between my thighs.

His chest pressed into mine as his taped hands encircled my wrists, keeping them on either side of my head.

His eyes blazed with electricity as I gazed up at him, breathless and startled. "Heath, I..."

That was all I managed to get out before his lips suddenly covered my own, his teeth nipping gently before his tongue skimmed out. He swallowed my gasp as his hips settled and his weight shifted, making me feel surrounded by warm, sensuous heat.

The kiss deepened, my chest straining against the need for breath. I didn't want him to stop. There was a haze settling over me as he lessened the pressure, his frantic attempts to overwhelm us both slowing.

As his mouth released me, I drew in much needed air as he moved, his lips gently moving across my cheek to finally wisp down the length of my neck.

"Heath," I whispered, heat filling my cheeks as I tried to draw myself out of the sexual hole that he seemed determined to throw us down. "Heath, please."

"Please what, Kitten?" He growled, his body shifting onto one arm. The fingers of his right hand released my arm and lowered down to my waist where they tickled over exposed skin. "Please don't stop? You're so beautiful."

"I..." I could barely string words together as his rough whiskers scraped over my collarbone, his teeth pulling carefully at a spot which had me arching back in reaction.

Knowing that arousal could rip you apart was nothing compared to actually experiencing it.

My now free hand slipped onto the back of his head, carefully clenching in his hair as I struggled to hold on.

"I won't push you, Alira but just let me have this. I'm sorry I stormed out," The words and his serious tone should have doused the flames but he continued to nip at me.

"We need..." I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the obvious signs of his arousal pressing into my stomach. "We need to talk."

"I know," His tongue rasped over my pulse point. "Later, Kitten."

I laughed breathlessly, amazed that I could feel so indulgently assured when it was only my second kiss. "Fine. Later."

I forced him back and this time I attacked him, my teeth pulling at his full lower lip until he let me in.

The deep and meaningful could wait for a little while.

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