Chapter Eleven - Hurting Me

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Unsure what else to do and tired of having to tilt my head back to speak to the two brothers, I moved away from them both to sit down on one of the comfortable couches.

Watching the way that Keira had panicked over her husband's accident, I had felt the need to leave the family to their privacy but I hadn't wanted to seem rude by running scared.

"So," River toppled down next to me while Heath chose to sit down on the other couch, "What do you want to do?"

I shrugged, trying to ignore the way that Heath's eyes tracked even my smallest movements. I could understand that he didn't trust me but I honestly thought that he was going overboard - it wasn't like I was about to start taking photographs or strip naked and throw myself at him.

"What can we do?"

River bumped his shoulder into my own, nearly knocking me sideways, "We could start with the tour?"

I smiled, "You give tours? Do you give autographs too?"

He rolled his eyes before he jumped to his feet, grabbed up my hands and pulled me up beside him, "Sometimes I wonder how you ended up such a smartass, RiRi."

We both ignored dark, judging eyes as I punched him lightly on the arm, "It's a God given talent."

His arm looped over my shoulders as we started toward the door in which his parents had disappeared through, "I'd call you something like Cheeky but I prefer RiRi, don't you?"

"I don't know why I need a nickname at all," I grumbled, "What's wrong with Alira?"

We paused in the main hallway, "Nothing but best friends are meant to give each other cute code names or some shit, right?"

I pulled a face, "I have no idea. I haven't had a friend in years, let alone a best friend. Does that mean I get to think up something to call you?"

Caught up in our little conversation, I had momentarily forgotten that his brother was essentially stalking us, "You could always go for Gullible?" Heath spoke quietly from behind us.

River stiffened beside me as my temper flared once more. His accusations didn't particularly bother me but I felt that every time he opened his mouth it was to essentially accuse his brother of being an idiot.

"That's enough, Heath," River released me and turned until I was between them with him at my back. "I asked you to stop acting like a dick when we were outside."

I watched Heath's eyes flicker dangerously before he blew out a breath, "Yeah," his hand ran roughly through his short dark hair, "Surely you can't blame me though."

I was sure that River had another retort planned but I stepped out from between them and looked up at the older Daimon, "I honestly feel sorry for you. I haven't done anything to either of you or your parents. I wanted to meet the big brother that River talks about so much but I'm not going to hang around and listen to you attack me all night." My bottom lip quivered slightly as I turned my eyes to River, "I'm sorry but this was obviously a bad idea. Please tell your parents sorry and I hope to get to know them another time."

I didn't wait for either of them to reply before I walked away. The front door quietly opened as I slipped out and jogged to where I had parked the car.

I had to keep painful pressure on my bottom lip to stop any traitorous tears from escaping - I wasn't sure why it hurt so much since I understood where Heath was coming from. In a way we were alike, both afraid to be taken advantage of but I had been given the opportunity to hide who I was whereas he was firmly in the limelight.


I clenched my fists as I watched Alira close the door behind her, "What the fuck is your problem? Can't you just trust that I know what I'm doing and I know what kind of person Alira is?"

His lips turned down as guilt flashed through his eyes for a second, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "You can't keep saying that and expect me to be satisfied. That girl is the first person I have met in years who hasn't wanted anything from me and who has shown absolutely no interest in you."

"She could be playing you," he murmured.

I moved away, anxious to go after Alira even though she couldn't leave the property without someone opening the front gate. "You think I haven't had her checked out?"

I saw his eyes widen in surprise, "You rang Uncle Raine?"

I chuckled without amusement, "Having a PI in the family sure does come in handy sometimes."

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