Chapter Forty Eight - A Dinner Date & A Grand Escape

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The trip in the elevator was silent but I clung to Heath's hand as though it were my only lifeline. Which, of course, was utterly ridiculous. My life didn't begin and end with him but after wanting something for so long, it was hard to think about what might potentially tear it all apart.

I'd barely had a taste of what might be between us but I knew that I liked it and I wasn't yet ready to simply throw it in the 'too hard' basket.

Every day people had to work on relationships and ours was so new as to be non-existent but I also saw the potential of it being something too precious to let go of.

Hearing him clear his throat, I jumped slightly.

"So, since this is all meant to be a surprise, would you mind if I covered your eyes?"

Surprised, I nodded and waited patiently for him to step behind me.

"Close them," He whispered in my ear, the heat of his breath making me shiver. His fingers were gentle as they settled across my face. "Tonight is meant to be fun. I hope I haven't ruined it."

I covered one of his hands with my own, "Of course not. It's not your fault that I worry so much."

He chuckled lightly, his chest pressing pleasantly into my back, "Well, no more worrying. Everything will get sorted out." He nudged me forward, being careful of how unsteady I felt.

I felt the wind tugging at my dress which meant that we had stepped out onto the roof or a balcony. Just as a delicious smell, other than Heath's cologne, assaulted my senses, he laid a whispering kiss on my neck before dropping his hands.

My lids flicked upwards and I gasped.

"Will this do?" He asked, stepping up beside me as he visually checked over the arrangement.

"It's perfect," I murmured, trying to take in the fact that he had had Scott come up to organise a candlelit dinner on the roof. There was a small round table with white cloth and candelabra surrounded by a trail of rose petals and tea light candles. A wheeled cart stood on the opposite side with covered dishes waiting.

"Oh my god, Heath. I never expected this."

Slipping an arm around my waist, he led me over so that I could settle into one of the chairs. "I can occasionally come up with good ideas. Is it too much?"

I laughed, embarrassed that my eyes were watering slightly, "It's better than any of the restaurants I've been to."

He smiled and picked up one of the dishes, "You haven't tasted the food yet, Kitten." He seemed to flush, "Mum made it."

"Well then it will definitely live up to expectations," I replied, delighted when he poured me out a glass of non-alcoholic bubbly. "I'm sorry about downstairs and putting all of that on you."

He finished laying a serviette over his lap before capturing my gaze with his own, "It's natural of you to be worried about the future and whether dating me is a waste of time." He offered a hand and waited for me to reach out to him, "It isn't, by the way. Anything can be worked out."

"I want to go to college and if you're gone all of the time..."

"Would you consider by-distance classes during some semesters?"

I opened to my mouth to answer before I blinked, "You'd want me to travel with you?"

His fingers tightened, "Of course. Is that something you'd want to do? You could be with me on the road and study while I'm training."

"That's a huge commitment," I whispered, my teeth biting at my bottom lip.

His lifted my hand to his mouth, "And not one that you need to make right this second. I won't need to leave for nearly a year since a lot of my matches are right here and my trainers can come to me."

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