Chapter Twenty Six - Heath Bar

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I wasn't exactly sure how it happened but once dinner had been consumed, I found myself leaning against one of the benches in the kitchen while I watched River stoop over his mother's shoulder as she tried to make him a chocolate cake.

"How long will it take?" He asked once she had closed the door on the oven.

Wiping her hands against a hand towel, she squinted up at him, "Have some patience, River. They normally only take about 25 minutes."

He pouted, "Can you make that thick chocolate stuff for the icing?"

I smiled as she rolled her eyes and nodded, "You'll be doing the dishes."

I looked away as she began pulling ingredients from the fridge, wondering how long Heath planned to stay out in his metal shed - I hadn't seen anything of him since we had arrived home and I knew that he hadn't left the property because his car had still been parked next to my own when I had gone out to grab my CD collection.

"I want MM's," I heard River whine as Keira whipped together cream and melted chocolate together in a bowl, the contents quickly turning into a thick ganache.

"You are not going to put more chocolate onto the already chocolatey cake, River," Keira exclaimed as she began to tidy up the island bench.

He tried to dip his finger into the icing before his mother slapped his hand, "But Alira wants MM's too."

I grinned, amused as they began to argue over exactly what I wanted on the cake even though neither of them spared me a glance.

Eventually my eyes drifted towards the window, the shape of the moon distracting me long enough that I missed the exact second when Mrs Daimon dug her hand into the open bag of flour and flicked the white powder into her son's face.

I let out a choked gasp of amusement, my hand slapping over my mouth - my eyes widened as River coughed, the flour sprinkling down and further dirtying the floor.

"What did you," more spluttering, "do that for, Mum?"

She giggled, "You were being cheeky."

He grabbed up his own handful and promptly dumped it over her head, the white streaking through her head to cover her clothing.

"I believe that we're even now, mother of mine," River announced, his mouth curved in a wicked smile.

Keira glanced at me, her eye dropping into a sly wink before she picked up the entire bag.

River held up his hands, "Don't you dare, woman!"

It was futile, of course, as mere seconds later half the kitchen was doused in a cheery floating cloud.

My own laughter joined with Keira's as we watched River grump around, his face reminding me of a creepy snowman.

He turned to me, his arms crossed as the powder puffed from his nose, "What are you laughing at? And why are you the only clean one?"

I moved closer to the doorway, "I'm just lucky...and smart enough to avoid getting between a boy and his mother while they're having an argument."

Keira scoffed, her eyes twinkling devilishly, "No excuse, Alira dear."

I gasped, watching them pick various things from the bench, "I thought you were on my side!"

"Na-ah," River chuckled, "She's my mum, and you..." he meanly threw a handful of cream into my hair, "are too clean!"

The cold, gooey liquid dripped sluggishly down the side of my face until it plopped onto the floor next to my foot.

I stared in stupefaction, never having had food thrown at me before, "You threw cream at me."

"Yep," He popped the 'p' with utter satisfaction as Keira continued to grin.

I narrowed my eyes as I shot forward to pick the bowl of ganache off the bench, "How dare you?!" I growled playfully, my hand dropping into the squishy chocolate.

They both began to shake their heads, "No, no, not the chocolate!"

"It's for the cake, RiRi," River pleaded, my hand cupping the icing as I prepared to join in on their impromptu food fight.

"You could have allowed me to stay out of this, my dear Lake boy," I answered, poking my tongue out. "But you had to gang up on me..."

I was cut off by a cube of butter hitting me in the nose.

"That's it!"

I watched the chocolate fly before it landed with a splatter across River's chest, the second handful hitting Keira in the same spot.

I was dodging more of their weaponry when a sudden voice yelled from behind me, "What the hell?"

I'm not sure how it happened but I threw the plastic bowl backwards into the air - time seemed to slow down as I turned to watch it, a "Oh no," trembling on my lips as I watched helplessly as it finally came to a stop...overturned...on Heath's head.

Both River and Keira froze, movement and sound suspended as we all watched the shirtless UFC champion slowly lift his arms, chocolate pouring steadily from the lip of the bowl to cover Heath's chest and stain the waist of his pants.

"Oh dear," I heard Mrs Daimon breathe as the bowl was dropped to the floor, Heath's fingers slowly wiping the ganache away from his eyes.

I didn't dare do anything in the event that it would engage a need for him to retaliate, my entire face burning with mortification and apology.

"Heath," Keira murmured, "Are you ok, honey?"

He blinked at us, the chocolate still dribbling down in rivulets, "Why am I covered in chocolate icing? What is going on?"

I swear that I opened my mouth to deliver a heartfelt apology but what came out was, "You needed some sweetening." A crazy giggle escaped, "You're a Heath Bar."

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