Chapter Two - Who is River Daimon?

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A/N: Photograph of River Daimon

Thanking the powers that be that I had avoided any sort of confrontation with the cheerleaders as I practically ran from the bus into the school building, I slipped into the building and then Homeroom I looked around the classroom and smiled, thinking that I couldn't wait for my last year as I seated myself at the back; I was ready to move on from this place which had made me feel as though I should hide the most important parts of myself in order to stay true to my convictions.

When I had finished the conversation with my mother, I had truly realised that what she said made more sense to me than my own reasoning. I had done what I set out to do and proved that status and money meant more to the people around me than kindness. The pretty cheerleaders and jocks held power while everyone just fell in line so that they didn't have to face every day knowing that school was going to be torture.

I had no friends and I had long accepted that I would rather keep it that way than spend all my time questioning whether people were hanging around just because I was rich and my parents were famous.

I watched as other students filtered in and picked out seats; they twisted from side to side and greeted friends and acquaintances that they had lost contact with over the holiday break. I knew each and every one of these people and none of them even bothered to acknowledge me even though I garnered some looks of surprise and astonishment as my peers took in my changed appearance.

Fingering my waist long braid, I looked over my outfit and smiled slightly, happy with what I had chosen and the fact that the yellow of my swishy halter neck had eased me into a cheerful mood. My black fitted jeans and yellow sandals completed the ensemble and had made my mother squeal with excitement. It truly felt like I slipped some kind of weight off my shoulders; I had evolved to the point where I could accept my current place in life and make the best of it. I wasn't going to let my fear of one girl ruin my last year of high school.

Even if the truth of my family came out, I already knew what everyone was like and I would be able to protect myself from vultures who only wanted to use me although the fallout would still be immense.

Close to the time when the bell would ring, Mrs Hunble slipped behind the teacher's desk and dropped the usual first day paperwork down. She was responsible for checking attendance on normal days but at the very beginning of the year, it was up to her and other Homeroom teachers to make sure that every student received their timetable and class information booklets. The principal had decided years ago that it would be an advantage to both students and teachers if we walked into our first classes prepared with questions; this initial period was a time for all of us to read through coming assignments and track out our schedules and classroom locations.

"Right, you lot. Settle down and face forward. Before I pass out your timetables, etcetera, I would like to introduce you to our newest student." A tall, well-muscled boy in a white button down shirt and jeans popped into the classroom and walked to stand next to the desk, "This is Mr River Daimon and he has just transferred from Faeton High in California. I need for someone to act as his guide for the day and ensure that he has a good understanding of the school's policies." She looked around as hands raised throughout the room.

It was weird; I could understand why the girls were eagerly thrusting their hands into the air since he was attractive behind his black framed glasses but there were guys almost jumping from their seats in order to get noticed.

"Dude," Mark, a football player yelled, "We'll take care of him. The Demon's brother is totally fucking welcome to hang with the team."

My mind was drawing a blank as others began to pepper the room with yells; it seemed as though everyone wanted River. A total stranger to me, I had no idea what was going on or how my peers knew a guy who had transferred from across the country.

Had I suddenly been dropped into an alternate reality or was the new guy someone famous?

As Mrs Hunble tried to call the class to order, I slumped back into my seat and watched River try his best to disappear under all of the attention. My peers fought over him like a favoured toy while he hunched his shoulders forward and grabbed onto the straps of his backpack, his eyes on the floor.

"Enough," Mrs Hunble screeched, making us all wince in pain, "You're all animals. Mr Daimon's family may be well known due to the successes of his older brother but I will not allow for you all to make a circus over River's presence in our school."

"But, Miss..." Carla Singleton, a cheerleader, whined, "Surely we should make him feel as welcome as possible." I had a feeling that she was batting her freakishly long eyelashes at both the teacher and River.

"Yeah, how come we never heard that your family was moving here?" Someone asked, causing River to look back up and grimace.

"My brother wanted to avoid being mobbed at the airport," his voice was smooth whiskey and a faint flush rose across his cheekbones.

Even more bewildered, I waited on Mrs Hunble to make a decision so that everyone would settle down and I could take a moment to look up River Daimon on Google.

"Miss Heath," the teacher suddenly called, silencing the room as people turned in my direction. I jolted in shock but kept my head down, trying to pretend that she hadn't just singled me out; I had no idea who the new guy was and I sure as hell didn't want to embarrass myself by making it obvious.

Please, I prayed, don't say that she was picking me to show him around.

"Miss Alira Heath," it came again and I closed my eyes for a second before I lifted a blank face.

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"As you are the only one with an empty seat beside you, it will be your duty to take care of Mr Daimon until he is settled." She paused, sending me a searching look. "Is that acceptable to you?"

After so many years, all of the teachers were aware of my status amongst the other students. They knew that I was a friendless outcast but I didn't appreciate her sudden urge to single me out and thrust me together with someone who was obviously well-known. My peers wanted a connection to this boy which was only going to make things harder on my first day when I finally faced down Miranda.

"Umm..." I opened my mouth to refuse as I took in the glares being flung at me but my gaze drifted to River's face and I saw how utterly miserable he looked, stuck up there like a sideshow freak. It was going to bite us both on the ass but I closed my eyes, "Of course. I'll do my best to make sure he knows what he needs to."

With my reputation, the poor guy was going to find himself under more scrutiny then even he could imagine.

"Why her? She's the school freak," Carla spoke up once more before she turned to address me directly. "Alira, honey...your clothes may have changed but we all know who you are and talking to people isn't your strong suit. I would be happy to show River around."

My head snapped back at her words and I started to blush from a mixture of hurt and anger. It always amazed me how people could believe all the rumours of promiscuity about me when it was also quite obvious that I preferred my own company. How can a person be the school slut and pillar of social awkwardness at the same time?

"I'd really appreciate it, Alira," River's voice cut over the teacher's as she tried to scold the cheerleader for her rudeness and I looked over to find him staring back at me. "Please?"

I nodded and clenched my fingers underneath the table, hoping that my life wasn't going to become even more complicated.

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