Chapter Forty Three - That First Goodnight

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Walking through the Daimon's back door, I inhaled delicately."Oh my god, that smells amazing."

"Every day I thank whoever the fuck is watching over us that they made my mum," Heath smiled from beside me. He looked exhausted but the lines of stress around his eyes seemed to have lessened somewhat.

Once he had caught me at the shed's door, he had tickled me until I had finally given and agreed to go on a date with him. I know that he had wanted a bigger commitment but I still believed that things had moved fast and I wanted for us both to have an opportunity to get to know one another.

We had agreed that until a decision had been made, it would be completely exclusive. Heath's eyes had darkened when discussing that particular issue, making it very clear that seeing that other guys would end badly for everyone.

I had giggled as we exchanged phone numbers and made plans for the coming Saturday night.

I couldn't believe it. My first date! My first anything really.

I'd had celebrity crushes before but with the way that life had been for me at school, I had never bothered to look at any of the guys.

I had to admit, just to myself, that I was still wary about it all.

It wasn't that I thought that I wasn't worth the attention of a nice, attractive guy but to look at Heath and know what he had already accomplished. I could only shake my head. It seemed unreal that he had turned his attention to me. If I hadn't known about his own wealth, I would have immediately thought that it was all about my parent's money.

Circumstances had managed to make me cynical.

Moving down the hallway, I grinned as River popped out of the kitchen's doorway, eyes narrowed and arms crossed. "What the hell have you two been up to?"

I made sure not look over at Heath, knowing that I would blush hotly. Best friend or not, River was still a guy and Heath's younger brother – I was quite sure that he wouldn't want to know about our little liplock session.

"Talking," Heath answered, his hand moving to cover my lower back. "Is dinner ready?"

River's eyebrow rose slowly, his eyes flicking between the two of us, "Is that what they're calling it these days?"

"Don't start," Heath warned, causing me to bite my lip against the giggle I felt rising.

"It's not me you have to worry about."

They stared at one another for a moment before the both of them groaned, "Mum."

"She's finishing dinner," River whispered, his expression conspiratorial.

Not really wanting to face their mother considering the last time we'd all sat down for dinner, she'd asked my intentions towards River. I would get enough of that from my own parents when I told them about Heath and our upcoming date.

"That's my cue to leave, I think," I informed them, ignoring their looks of surprise. "I need to talk to my own parents before they go to bed and I think that I've intruded enough tonight."

River poked me in the forehead, "Don't pull that shit. I get why you want to leave and it's got nothing to do with over-staying your welcome."

Heath's hand pushed harder, "Are you sure? Mum and Dad would love to have you here."

Tentatively, I wrapped my own arm around his waist, the action feeling awkward considering how unsure I was. "It's fine. I really do need to talk to the weirdos who spawned me." I grinned, "Someone is going to have to drive me home though unless you want me calling the limousine service?"

River snorted, pushing his glasses up his nose, "You're not allowed to do that until I can join you."

Heath moved forward to punch his brother's shoulder, "Who said that you'll ever be riding in a limo with her?"

I rolled my eyes in exasperation as River dramatically puffed out his chest, "You may be playing the part of her boy toy but I'm the best friend. It's always hoe's before bro's." His face blanked, "So to speak."

"I really hope that you didn't just call me a hoe," I growled threateningly. Sometimes boys just seemed to be utterly ridiculous.

"Of course I didn't, it's just a figure of speech." River gulped, his eyes wide as he stared at Heath. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"

Heath was bent over at the waist, his hand dropping from my back as he shook, "I just love that you called yourself a hoe."

"That's it," I threw my hands into the air and walked away from them.

Keira was standing with her back to the door, the sound of her humming soft in the otherwise silent room.

I cleared my throat, feeling sorry when she jumped and spun around with a wooden spoon in her hand. "Dear God, Alira. Don't do that to me."

"I'm really sorry. I just wanted to say goodnight. I've got to get home and I think that one of the boy's will be driving me."

"Oh honey. I would've loved to have you here again but I understand that your own mother needs to have you there." She dropped the spoon and walked over to hug me. "You'll be back soon?"

"She'll be here a lot," Heath answered from behind me before I could even formulate an answer.

She drew away, looking between the two of us before a delighted smirk covered her face, "So it's like that?" If I didn't know any better, I would have said that she was about to dance a jig in her apron.

Heath sighed, "Don't overreact, Mum. Please."

She swallowed her smile before patting me gently on the cheek, "So happy right now." She leaned closer, "I knew you were special."

With no reply forthcoming, I blushed and whispered a "Thank you," even though it sounded weird.

"Ok. Now shoo, you two." She turned to Heath with a stern expression, "Make sure she gets home safe or I'll tan your hide."

"Aw but I wanted to drive her home," River whined as he slipped past Heath and into the room where he immediately headed for a bubbling pot.

"No," Keira snapped, trying to mask it with a smile. "Heath can take Alira home while you help me dish up dinner." She turned to me, "I don't want to seem rude but I would love it if you would organise for Marcus and I to meet your parents. It seems like a good idea since you and...River are so close." She winked.

I moved backwards, not wanting to advertise the horror I was feeling. The Heaths and the Daimons all in one room?

"I'll see what I can do," I replied, beating a hasty retreat as I waved at River and almost ran past Heath. There was no way around it but every second before that eventual meeting would see me planning unspeakably permanent ways to keep the two sets of parents away from one another.

Pushing through the front door, I took a deep breath. It seemed as though my life was just getting bogged down with more and more complications but I felt freer than ever before and that cutting loneliness was slowly being washed away.

"Come on, Kitten." Heath gestured towards his monstrosity before grabbing my hand.

Another first for me.

There in the moonlight, he laughingly lifted me into the passenger seat before driving me home, the music a soft soundtrack to the way my heart thumped as he intertwined our fingers over the gear stick, a caress that melted my heart even as gentle fire rushed through my veins.

And then, as he parked the car and walked me to the door, I couldn't help but feel special.

Happy in way that I couldn't hide as his goodnight kiss sent me flying.   

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