Chapter Fifty Seven - Camilla

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Heath's POV

Sitting beside Alira in the back of Thorn's souped-up Jeep, I had no idea what to say. Hell, I wasn't even entirely sure of what had happened.

When she had woken up, I had been so relieved and thankful that I had lost the ability to speak and taking my silence for something else, she had broken down, almost hysterical.

And then the shit with River.

I leant my forehead against the window, my eyes watching the scenery pass as we headed out to the address that Camilla had given to River. My brother hadn't just dumped Alira's car, he'd also left behind his mobile phone and his keys to the house, something which had torn the heart out of my mother.

I almost wanted to be furious at him for running but I was drained and me being an unhinged asshole had caused all the damage in the first place. If I had just been able to keep a hold of myself, I would have been thinking clearly enough to ask where the scratches and bruises on his beaten body had come from.

For fuck's sake, I had nearly killed my own brother and even though I felt justified in my anger and disappointment, I should have acted like an adult instead of letting it all get the better of me.

And people thought that I was a good big brother, I snorted.

Small fingers slowly slipped into the hand that I had braced against the seat.

Tears choked me at the way she reached out even after how disgustingly I had treated her. No wonder her father had wanted to rip my head off, I could scarcely believe that I had attacked her.

Could I do anything right?

As soon as the doctor had declared Alira well enough to be discharged she had fronted the scary Blackbourne agent, politely asking him to take us both to speak to Camilla.

The trip in the elevator had produced nothing but a tense silence. I didn't know what to say to her, how to begin to fix things.

I wasn't even sure if anything I said or did would ever make up for what I had done. To either of them.

I could barely comprehend how strong she was. In the scheme of things, we had only known each other for a couple of weeks but that didn't seem to matter. She was everything I wasn't and everything I'd never knew I'd wanted.

I loved her and here I was, hurting her.

Beating on my defenceless little brother and then treating the people who were trying to help me like shit.

I wasn't worthy of any of it and I didn't know how to make it right.

Moving my head slightly, I peered at her from the corner of my eyes, her gorgeous hair shining under the sunlight. Her gaze was on my face, her lips drawn down unhappily.

Fuck, just cut it out and I'll hand it to you, I wanted to cry. She could have every part of me but first I had to find River.

"Are you sure that we're heading to the right place?" She asked Thorn, her eyes never leaving my own.

"It's the same address Morgan pulled off the phone and when he checked the records, Camilla was listed as paying for the room."

We all fell silent once again, my fingers gently tightening on her own as I tried to push aside all of the hopelessness flooding my veins.

River was good but he was still only seventeen and no match for Blackbourne Investigations if what they said about their skills was true.

He should be back home in no time and then we would have it out once and for all, hopefully putting the last two days behind us.

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