Chapter Three - The Demon's Brother

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A/N: Picture of Heath Daimon

A quick glance at River's timetable had me frowning at the coincidence; he was in all but one of my classes.

"I guess that'll make it easier for you to show me around," River murmured, trying to catch my attention as I pushed back my chair.

The rest of homeroom had passed quickly with everyone throwing glares and astonished glances our way. From the way that Carla mentally tried to kill me I knew that I was going to be facing down a pissed off Miranda when she finally caught up to me.

I wanted to scream at them all that I had no idea who the guy was and that I would gladly hand him over but the way that he had quietly thanked me when he sat down held my tongue in place. My duty to him would only last one day before one of the cliques caught his attention and he completely forgot about my existence or joined in on the hatred.

"Yeah," I finally answered him as I tried to smile. I had had high hopes that this first day would go off without too much of a hitch but he had just smashed that all to pieces by publically rejecting the others offers to be his guide.

I entered the hallway with him on my heels and turned to the left where I knew that the science labs were.

Being small I normally had to force my way through the crowds of people but my new shadow somehow managed to freeze time. Teenagers nearest to us stopped their forward motion and began to gape; they parted to create a walkway as though not wanting to block our path.

Again, I felt as though I had stepped into some strange universe. This never happened!

Who the hell was this guy?

I was tempted to turn around and demand an explanation but as a small growl erupted from his chest, I found my arm suddenly grabbed. River had stepped up beside me as he glared at the crowd; his fingers were gentle as he took advantage of the moment and began to practically drag me down the corridor.

I stumbled and winced as I caught a quick look at the cheerleaders in their uniform, sure that the Queen Bee had been amongst them.

"Slow down, will you?" I grumbled at the guy, trying to keep my head down.

"Sorry," he answered, loosening his grip even more as we finally made it to the stairway. "I didn't expect that there would be this kind of reaction."

I peeked at him, only seeing the back of his head as we started up to the next floor, "What kind did you expect?" Hopefully, playing it subtle would give me some insight.

"Maybe a few comments here and there but it's like they think I'm visiting royalty or something," his shoulders tensed and I took careful note of the way that his fingers curled into tight fists. "It's actually really ridiculous."

I wanted to stomp my foot with exasperation; I hadn't wanted to seem like some uninformed idiot but I couldn't go any longer without knowing.

"River," I stopped him from entering our classroom with a hesitant touch on the shoulder.

"Hmm," he turned to look down at me with clear blue eyes.

"Umm," I pulled on my braid before I took in a deep breath, "Who are you exactly? I know I'm going to sound stupid and I know that we'll never be friends so I really have no right to ask but I have no idea who you are or why everyone is acting like a bunch of toddlers fighting over a new toy."

I threw it all out of my mouth in one long rush whilst staring at his nose. There was a bright flush along my cheeks as I hoped that he wouldn't sneer back at me.

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