Chapter Thirty - Why Not Now?

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Standing outside the doors of the gymnasium where I knew that the volunteers were gathered to continue preparations for the Ball, I couldn't help but swallow down tears. The rest of the day had been painfully awkward considering the fact that everyone in the school knew something horrible had happened between River and I. I'd had to sit away from him in the classes that we shared and spent the rest of the time, as we separated for our specific electives, trying to fight down angry tears.

It wasn't fair! And I knew that I was probably overreacting, knew that River, Heath and their parents would probably be pissed at me for walking away so easily but the truth was...nothing about this was easy.

Yes, I could accept that they could handle what was coming but I knew that they couldn't understand – Heath may be famous and used to media attention but having my father's name attached to theirs would thrust them into a world that they couldn't prepare for.

For the moment, they had found a safe harbour to hide and recover from whatever is was that had forced them across the country but the moment that my identity came out, they would lose that. Considering the way that everyone in the school treated River, I believed that whatever secrets he held had not gotten out but this could change that.

My father was not a particularly public figure but his name was known with certain circles – circles which haunted the steps of the most powerful and influential people within the country.

Nothing would remain a secret.

I drew in a breath before pushing the large, heavy doors open. My eyes scanned across each of the faces until one caught my attention.

I felt every muscle lock in place as I found myself gazing at Miranda – my tormentor. With everything else that had happened, I had forgotten that she sat on the student committee and was actively involved in school events.

My Hell had just gotten a little bit hotter.

As though feeling my eyes on her, she looked up from the table and frowned, her expression one of fury.

"I can't understand this," she announced, her loud voice capturing the attention of the other eight students. "Why on Earth did Principal Mathison pick you to take over when it should have been me?"

I bit my lip and shrugged, "I don't know. He told me that I didn't have a choice."

Thinking it all over, I did have a choice. If he was going to tell everyone anyway, there was no concrete reason to stick around and face the added torture of the Queen Bitch as well.

In fact, I knew without a doubt that I couldn't really handle it while I was still feeling so cut up over River and how broken his eyes had looked as I walked away.

I pushed a hand to my chest and returned Miranda's look with one of my own, "You know what, Miranda? You're right that I don't belong here. You should be the one in charge. Good luck." I nodded and headed straight back out.

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