Chapter Eighteen - I'm Behind On My Vaccinations

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I wanted to step back and hide behind the two boys as Miranda's hateful glare levelled itself on me but River's hand on my back stopped me.

"You must be Heath," Miranda purred as the girls surrounding her giggled behind their hands and ran their eyes over the two Daimon brothers. "River promised to introduce us." She smiled prettily.

"Did he?" Heath murmured, his face blank as he looked around at each of them. "I don't believe he's mentioned you. What was your name?"

Her lips seemed to dip slightly before she caught herself, "Miranda Cole." She turned her eyes to River, "You did keep your promise, didn't you?"

His hand pressed tighter to my back, "Must have slipped my mind. Sorry." I looked up to see him shrug and look down at me, "You ready, RiRi?"

"Sure," I murmured quietly, my eyes flicking between Heath and the girls once more. I almost didn't want to leave him behind since I knew what Miranda could be like but I also realised that it really wasn't any of my business.

We both stepped back as Heath suddenly snapped his fingers, "I actually think that I have heard of you! Weren't you in a movie called Shake Your Pom Pom? I'm sure all the guys on the circuit were raving about your performance."

Miranda wrinkled her nose in confusion as she looked around at her friends, "I...I don't think so."

Heath shrugged, "Too bad. I'm sure that it would have been a good career choice for someone like you."

She smiled weakly, "Someone like me?"

"Yeah," He waved his hand across her body, "Someone"

I felt River's chest shaking against my back as he silently tried to stifle his laughter as I felt my face slacken in shock.

Surely Heath had NOT just insinuated that Miranda would make a good living from being a porn star?

As first it seemed as though she wouldn't pick up on exactly he was talking about but the way that some of the people turned to either watch the drama or cover their mouths in amusement seemed to clue her in.

Her face burned a deep red as she tried to control her temper, "Would you like to sit with us for the movie?"

Heath shook his head and gave her a sympathetic grimace, "I would but I'm behind in my vaccinations. Have a lovely night." He nodded at the group and turned to us, his hand lifting so that his fingers could gently close my gaping mouth, "Come one, Kitten. It's my treat tonight. What size popcorn would you both like?"

River stepped between Heath and I as he slung his arms around both of his shoulders, "Well, if you're paying, we want the large. Or..." He peeked down at me, "Do they have extra large sizes?"

I was still trying to process what had just happened. Miranda was going to kill us all!

I knew logically that she was just one high school bully and I had the power to shut her down if I needed to but it was my final year, I was just beginning to like going because of River and I didn't want that all destroyed because Heath and River didn't like how she ruled her little kingdom.

"RiRI?" River shook me as I suddenly realised that we were actually standing at the candy counter, "What do you want?"

I ran my eyes across the back wall where the prices were listed before I quietly passed on my order to the teenage boy behind the counter.

Turning to Heath, I found that he was already looking back at me, "Why did you do that?"

He shot a quick glance at River before frowning at me, "Are you angry that I treated her like that?"

I shook my head, "I normally don't condone cruelty - no matter what the person has done but Miranda," I paused. Did I really want to go into everything she has ever done to me?

"She's a bitch, pure and simple." River interrupted, smiling as he picked up a drink of Coke which looked to be about the size of your average mop bucket. "Don't worry about it. If she's like any girl I've seen with her attitude, she'll still come back for more."

"Are you worried?" Heath asked quietly as we moved from the counter toward the entrance of the cinema.

I avoided both of their gazes, "No but that wasn't exactly what I was asking."

"Why did I do what then?"

My lip curled slightly, "I was more curious why you turned down her offer. She's beautiful."

River froze, his face closed and dark, as he went to pull the door open for us all, "Physical beauty means nothing and not all men are that stupid or that shallow." He slipped away, leaving me with Heath as we both stared. Me with confusion and Heath with worry.

"What did I say to upset him?" I whispered quietly?

Heath cleared his throat, "Bad memories. It's not really your fault."

"More memories that I have to wait for him to share?"

Would we ever be close enough for him to share all of those things - the good and the bad?

Heath reopened the door so that we could both slip in, "Yeah. It's not an easy thing for him to talk about and I'm sure that it's not going to be easy for you to hear."

"I won't push."

He nodded, "Good because he just needs someone to hold his hand a little bit."

'I think I can do that." I smiled slightly as I moved in front of him to glance up at the seats until I noticed River near the back and stuffing his face with popcorn.

"Alira?" Heath called quietly.


"Miranda deserves to be taken down a peg because of how I imagine she treats others but the reason I shot down her offer? I prefer cute girls with dark hair instead."

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