Chapter Twenty - Morning, Kitten

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Dad laid a kiss on my forehead before pulling back with a smile, "Be good and don't set the house on fire."

I giggled, "You should be telling that to Mum."

He winked, "You know that that is a taboo subject. She's since learnt how to operate a stove."

I lifted a finger to my mouth as I caught a glance of my mother heading down the main staircase with her overnight clutched in her hand.

Dad smiled and stepped back to watch her as well. It never fails to make me happy when I see the two of them together - not only had I landed the best parents, they were still in love after all these years.

"Are you ready, babe?" Daddy asked, plucking her bag and grabbing her hand with his spare.

She nodded before leaning over to kiss my cheek, "Are you sure that you'll be ok tonight? We can call in some of the guys from Blackbourne Investigations to stay the night if it'd make you feel safer?"

I shook my head, "I'll be fine overnight. I was thinking about heading over to River's again today and then I'll be at school tomorrow so I won't be here for more than a couple of hours."

They both nodded and gave me another hug before I waved at them from the door. It was rare for the both of them to be gone at the same time but every time that they had, I had always locked myself in my room and wiled away the time watching movies or cooing over Dean Winchester as he went demon hunting.

Sad, I know but this time I ran back up the stairs until I could rush through a shower and begin digging through my closet. I had no idea what River would suggest so I threw on a pair of shorts, a pretty pink singlet and a pair of pink ballet flats with my hair quickly pulled to the side into a French braid.

I looked myself over in the mirror and shrugged. It seemed versatile enough to be able to withstand most activities as long as River didn't want to go for lunch at an upscale restaurant or something similar.

I grabbed everything else I thought I might need and took the many twists until I was walking through the inner garage door. I flicked on the light and watched as my father's precious babies gleamed - one who knew nothing about my father would think that he enjoyed throwing his wealth around because of the size of our house but they would be wrong.

Yes, he was amazingly rich and yes, our house was big enough for the three of us to be able to live in it without seeing one another more than once a year but other than that, he was normally quite...well, normal.

The only exception to that...his cars. Twelve of them to be exact of all sizes, shapes and from different years - I couldn't even begin to estimate their worth.

I wandered past them all until I could slip the key into my car door and click open the garage door.

I threw my handbag on to the passenger side seat and reversed out until I could spin and start down the long drive and out through the high spiked gates.

I flicked on the radio and began to happily sing along to the music pumping through my speakers - it was strange how excited I was to invade someone's home. The day before with River and his family had taken over as one of my favourite memories from the past years when my parents weren't around. The beginning had been horrible with the accusations thrown at me from Heath but once that that had all been resolved, it had been awesome and I couldn't wait to hang out with them all again.

I looked at myself in the rear view mirror and poked out my tongue, "You are so weird, Alira." I muttered to myself.

I worried for a moment that I hadn't remembered to call ahead but as River had gone ahead and given me the code to the front gate of their property with the promise that I would drop in whenever I wanted, I kept hold of my smile and concentrated on driving.

I pulled up to the gate and quickly lent through the window so that I could reach the key pad and punch in the six digit code, happy when the it worked and I could drive towards where Heath's truck sat proudly next to another car.

I parked and jumped out, seriously regretting my decision to not at least send River a quick text message before I had driven the twenty minutes to his house.

He was probably going to think that I was over staying my welcome.

I rolled my shoulders and started toward the front veranda just as I noticed the door swinging open and Mr Daimon stomping through with a happy grin.

"Alira!" He called, waiting on the top step for me to close the distance.

I let him pull me into a quick hug, amazed once again that he was so friendly and I had no problem dealing the with the affection.

"Good morning, I hope that you don't mind me just coming over." I murmured, stepping back so that I could see his face.

He hopped down and waved toward the back of the house before leading the way as I frowned and followed.

"Nonsense, River asked our permission to give you the code and we all agreed," he smiled, peering down at me, "Just as we told him that we were happy for you to come over whenever you liked."

I trudged through the grass, "How can you accept someone so easily? Heath insinuated that River has been betrayed before and I can't believe how open you've all been even knowing who my family is." I paused, "They did tell you about my parents, didn't they?"

He nodded, "Heath shared what he knew while you and River were out yesterday all afternoon. Alira," he sighed, "River has been through a lot and things in his past almost broke our family but we've gotten through that and we're happy. That's what I want for my boys - to be happy. If being friends with you will achieve that then I will do everything in my power to see it happen."

I smiled, blushing. "You guys are an amazing family."

"Thank you. You seem like a lovely girl. Now," he clapped, making me look around and realise that we had left the house behind as we headed for the large garage I'd missed out on exploring with Heath the day before. "River has been dragged out by his mother but I'm sure he'll be home soon and I was in the process of looking through the house for something else to update which I'm sure would bore you so I believe that you will have a better chance at finding some entertainment out here."

We stepped through the door and I nearly choked on whatever it was I had planned to say - the garage contained a huge, state of the art gym and sparing arena but the majority of my attention was locked upon the two men throwing each other around on a large area of mats.

I had no idea who the larger of the two was but he seemed to pale slightly as I watched Heath demonstrate the skills that had earned him his world title.

He dodged a combination of strikes before he did some sort of running kick, his opponent falling to floor with a loud thump.

I cringed into myself as Mr Daimon clapped. Heath pulled the other man from the floor before they tapped fists and turned toward us both.

My eyes fought to stay on Heath's as he stood before me in nothing but gym shorts, his toned chest and numerous tattoos on gleaming display. His fists raised to his hips as he grinned back at me, "Morning, Kitten."

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