Chapter Forty Six - Not What I Thought

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Driving through the large black gates, I couldn't help but fiddle with the hem of my skirt as I nervously kept my eyes off of Heath as he easily navigated through the suburb.

It was strange. We had spoken a great deal throughout the week since the night in the gym but it was the first time that we had been alone together.

"You're fidgeting," He murmured quietly, glancing at my face before concentrating on the road. "Is everything ok?"

My breath was shaky, "Sorry. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous."

"Hey, hey, Kitten," His hand reached over to cover my own, dragging one onto his thigh. "There is nothing to be worried about. It's just me."

"I know." I shrugged, feeling slightly more settled after he twined our fingers together. "Maybe because this is something unfamiliar. It's my first date."

"I'm not exactly the best at this either," He chuckled. "Aren't we just meant to hang out away from prying eyes?" He paused, "And your father's gun collection."

I scoffed, "He doesn't have a collection."

"No, maybe not but he did make sure to mention that he has friends in low places with the means to make my body disappear."

I laughed, tension bleeding out of me. "My mother said that he's been perfecting his threats since they found out I was a girl."

His hand tightened around my own, "Oh, I have no problems with his methods. I'd probably be worse with my own little girl. In fact, she'd never date until after they put me in the ground."

My lips twitching, "I doubt that you'd be ok with her dating a fighter then."

"Absolutely fucking no," He growled out before he sent me a quick wink. "Luckily your Dad seems to like me though."

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened when he dragged you into his office?"

He cleared his throat, "I'd really rather not."

I frowned, "Did he threaten you? I know that he can go overboard sometimes."

"No," He drawled out, refusing to look at me. "It was just a casual chat. He wanted to know about me and what plans I have."

"Plans in regards to what?"

He shrugged again, pulling out onto an unfamiliar road, "My future. You. Us."

"I'm sorry about that," I curled my fingers on his thigh, hopeful that he wasn't too upset with how inquisitive my father was.

"Don't be sorry. Its fine," He grinned at me, waggling his eyebrows. "We're nearly there."

I groaned, "Will you please just tell me what is happening?"

"We're going to meet some friends of mine." He chuckled.

"Friends?" I squeaked, looking out of the window, as though that could help me. "What friends? You have friends and you want me to meet them? I'm not dressed to meet people, Heath. And I thought that this was meant to be a date. Why are we driving out to meet people that I don't know?"

His grinning became laughs as he moved his hand from mine to wrap it heavily around the back of my neck, "Calm down, Kitten. This is a date and my friends won't actually be there the whole time. I just thought that it might be a good idea for you to see what hanging out with me means. My life doesn't centre completely on my family all of the time and I want to be able to share this with you. Dating a fighter is not always the easiest, Alira. I travel quite a bit and with my movie career actually starting to take off a little, I don't think that it would be fair to keep you feeling left out." He blew out a breath, retracting that comforting touch to grip the steering wheel tightly, "If you want to give this relationship a real chance, I understand that there will have to be things that I..."

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