Chapter Twenty Four - Mini White House

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"I really don't need for either of you to come with me," I murmured as we hopped into Heath's car.

River grunted from the front passenger seat, "Do you really want to go and talk to my mother again about not taking us?"

I flushed as Heath chuckled, "Umm, no. I'm not sure that I ever really want to talk to your mother ever again."

"Oh it wasn't that bad, RiRi!" River chortled, "She only asked if you were going to molest my sexy self."

"Oh my god, River!" I whisper-yelled at him.

The boys just continued to laugh as Heath started the car and pulled down the drive. I wouldn't mention it to them but I really didn't want to do this — they had I beautiful house with five bedrooms and all the living spaces and I was about to show them my three storey, nine bedroom mansion which most people needed a map to traverse.

So no, I was more nervous than excited but I also wanted to share this huge piece of myself with River, my 'brother from another mother' as he now called himself, and Heath — the famous professional fighter/actor who confused me more every moment.

It took a little while and some frustrating moments as Heath insisted that he didn't need any directions but finally we pulled up to my gates — immense spires of black metal that allowed the boys to take in the structure which lay beyond it.

As they sat, speechless with the car running, I took a moment to try and see it through their eyes. The length of the front fence was three times the size of the Daimon home and the house looked like a mini White House with the extended car garage to the right and gardens running both sides of the drive until roses decorated the edges of the circular front porch.

"Holy shit," River breathed.

Heath simply nodded, "Yeah."

I tapped my fingers against my thigh, "Umm, are we going to go in?"

It took another moment before they seemed to snap out of their daze, both of them turning in their seats to turn back towards me.

"This is seriously your house?" River asked, his eyes so wide that I thought they were going to pop out.

"Yes," I waved at it, "You knew that my father was ridiculously rich. Why does it surprise you?"

"It's huge," he breathed back at me and I lost it.

I lifted a hand to my mouth and began to giggle uncontrollably — I had to admit, I never giggled but the look on their stunned faces was more than I could handle.

In between the sounds escaping them as they grumped at me, I asked if they wanted to enter the property once more and this time Heath shook his head with a smile, his eyes drifting over my face while River simply stared at me with grumpy amusement.

They turned forward and I quietly pulled out my sensor key which opened the gate automatically — I normally preferred just to enter the key on the number pad but I couldn't get to it from the back seat and I wasn't yet comfortable or trusting enough to hand over the code before my parents had even had the chance to meet any of the Daimons and make their own judgements.

We pulled down the long drive and I hit another button so that my personal entrance to the garage opened.

Heath pulled cautiously into my usual parking space and I shook my head as it began again — this time the two boys were practically cooing as they got their first looks at my father's collection.

"Wow," River breathed, "You really can be my sugar mumma."

I chuckled as Heath thumped him in the shoulder, "Don't be an ass."

River shrugged it off and burst from the car, his excitement reminding me of a puppy's as he ran around each of the vehicles, his hands hovering as though he wanted to touch but thought it wasn't appropriate.

I slipped out quietly as Heath joined River and the two of them tried to decide which one was their favourite.

I tried to grab their attention by clearing my throat but when it seemed that they had no intention of being dragged away, I rolled my eyes and stomped further away. Although I knew that the boys would get lost trying to find their way, I headed through the inner door into what was our inner pool chamber and skirted its edges until I had bypassed the games room out into the circular area where I started up to the second story.

As soon as I stepped off the top stair, I quickly looked over the open sitting area with its sunny-coloured chairs and antique accents before moving around the third story staircase and towards my own bedroom door.

There were two guest rooms on the floor with an entertainment cinema, library and study also featured. My room was large enough to be considered a luxury suite but it never stopped me from making use of the other spaces.

My parents seemed happy to have their own personal ring bedroom on the bottom floor while the third story shared the same layout as the second but it mostly remained untouched except for when we had a large number of guests.

Rummaging through my wardrobe, I quickly put together everything I would need for the night at River's as well as school before I dropped an overnight bag next to my books.

The sound of my mobile's ringtone disturbed the silence of the room and I snatched it out of my pocket, shaking my head as River's name flashed across the screen.

"Yes, River?"

"Umm, RiRi," He muttered, "We're kind of..."

"Lost?" I cut in, amused.

"Yeah," He admitted, "This place is fucking huge!"

I laughed, "Where are you now?"

"We've stepped into storage room? What person needs so many DVD's?"

"We like a lot of variety," I shrugged, not quite willing to admit that most of the movies in their had been given to us by their various directors as gifts, "Head back into the room where the pool table is and find a door on the opposite side. Turn right into the corridor until you reach the stairs. I'm on the second floor and my door is the only one open."

I heard him mutter a, "Jesus," before he ended the call and I sank onto my back on my bed where I contentedly closed my eyes and waited for them to find me.

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