Chapter Twenty Two - Caveman

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River's eyes darted between my flushed face and Heath's amused one before he tugged me into a hug, "What did you do to her?" He grumbled playfully to his brother.

"Nothing except show her around," Heath held his hands up. "She's interested in some grappling techniques, I think."

River tightened his hold, my face smothered by his shirt-covered chest, "Bugger off, Heath." He growled menacingly before I heard, "Grappling's a boy's sport. Go play with Luke and I'll take Alira off to entertain her."

I felt my cheeks flare up even more before I thumped River on the side and made him release me. "Idiots," I mumbled.

I stomped away from the two of them, only acknowledging Luke as he lifted a hand in farewell. I couldn't really understand it but I was genuinely upset by their teasing. With River it was because he'd made and embarrassing moment worse and Heath...well, I had no idea why I wanted to risk a broken thumb by smacking that smug smile off his face.

Maybe it was because I had no experience with guys and, for one second, I thought that Heath's flirting had been serious.

"Yeah right, loser. He's your friend's older brother and way too...too...something for me to handle," I muttered almost silently as I started on my way back to the house.

A quick glance over my shoulder showed that River was still busy with Heath but I didn't hesitate to open their back door and stomp my way to the kitchen. I had hoped to drink as I waited to calm down but as I walked into the room, it was to see Mr Daimon wrapped around his wife.

I froze for a second before I quickly backtracked but not before I him lift a hand to his chest, that other on her waist as they slowly swayed to music only they could hear.

Standing within the quiet hallway, I gazed blindly in front of me, ashamed that I had unknowingly intruded on such a private moment.

Great going, Alira! You're doing so well with the Daimon family this morning.

Hands clapped down onto my shoulders, making me jump a foot in the air with a scream lodged in my throat.

"Woah," River exclaimed, allowing me to pull away as I spun to face him. "I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you heard me walk up."

I shook my head, a hand pressed to my racing heart. "Sorry, I was lost in my own world." I peeked beyond him but didn't see Heath.

River's eyes were frankly assessing as he perused my face, "Heath told me that your parents have left for the day and won't be back until tomorrow."

"Yeah," I answered, suddenly sure that I had done the wrong thing by turning up at his house. "I thought that maybe we could hang out until tonight but I'm sure you're busy..." I turned away, glad that the front door already stood open but I hadn't even made a single step before River accosted me.

I shrieked, startled and disoriented as he barked a "Nope," before swinging me back around and up over his shoulder. I hung upside down with my face close to waist as I clutched at his shirt and watched as my hair swung into the back of his legs as we moved.

I groaned as he bounced me, my mortification complete as we headed into the room I had moments ago branded as off limits.

It seemed that the boys' parents had separated before we intruded but since I couldn't actually see them, I was entirely sure.

"River!" His mother gasped, "What are you doing to the poor girl?"

"Son," Mr Daimon protested, "You can't just do that! Women need to be romanced first!"

"Oh my god," I whimpered, banging a pathetic fist against my tormentor's back. What had I done to deserve this and why hadn't I run when I had the chance? "River! Put me down, I'm going to be sick!"

He grabbed just above my knees and lowered me further until I was tempted to bite his ass just because I could. All the blood had rushed to my head and my vision was beginning to blur under the strain.

"Do you promise to stay here today and tonight?"

"River!" Mrs Daimon had started to sound dangerous as she continued to bark at him to put me down, "Let her go this instant and explain why you're carrying her around like a sack of potatoes!"

He used an impressive amount of strength to heave me up and quickly place me back onto my feet. The world swirled around me as I tried not to face plant.

River explained to his parents that I had been trying to leave after admitting to Heath that I was going to be alone until my mother and father returned from Washington the following afternoon.

"Well," Mrs Daimon clapped, my head still spinning. "We can't have that when there is plenty of room here. Alira, dear?"

"Yes?" I focussed fuzzily, hoping that River wasn't going to make a habit of doing things that made me want to hug the ground.

"I suggest that you take River with you to pick up what you need for tonight and school tomorrow because you'll be spending the night," she clapped, her grin sparkling as her husband just shook his head. "Oh this is fabulous! Another girl in the house will be wonderful." She turned to the hulking man behind her and grabbed up his hand, "Now you come and show me what you've done now! You had better not have tried to 'fix' my washing machine again!"

I heard his quiet, "Umm..." before they left the room.

"Sorry about that," River apologised quietly as I finally felt able to straighten without losing my breakfast.

"What just happened?" I really hadn't been able to follow the conversation that well.

He grinned, his glasses slipping down his nose as he fist pumped the air, "Well, RiRi. It's sleepover time." 

A/N: I normally don't add author's notes but I thought I would thank all of my lovely readers for your support.

I am looking for suggestions on what Alira can use as nicknames for the boys!

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