Chapter Twenty One - A Few Moves

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"Sorry to interrupt, son. Alira came over for River but I thought she might enjoy staying out here with until he gets back with your mother. Is that ok?" The boys' father clapped a hand gently over my shoulder as I tried to drag my eyes away from Heath's shirtless form.

I wasn't sure why I was reacting to the sight but I had the sudden urge to run and hide. My face was probably glowing brighter that the sun as I watched River's older brother accept the towel thrown to him by his sparring partner.

He wiped the perspiration from his face and chest, winking at me before he returned his father's smile, "Of course, that's fine. We were just about to take a break anyway."

"Excellent," Mr Daimon rumbled happily, squeezed my shoulder once more before stepping back, "I'll let River know where you when he turns up."

"Thank you," I whispered, unsure if I would be better off making a run for it back to my car instead.

"So," Heath's head remained bent for a moment as he continued to dry himself off but as I felt my fingers begin to shake he glanced into my eyes, "I thought that you'd be sleeping in."

"Umm..." Was my intelligent answer as I finally dragged my eyes away to the stranger standing behind Heath as he emptied his bottle of water.

"Oh," Heath pointed at the man, "This is one of my trainers, Luke. Luke this is Alira, she goes to school with River."

Luke's eyes sharpened as they raked over me, "A friend of River's?" He stepped up beside Heath, "How's it going?"

I cleared my throat, "Fine, thank you. I really didn't mean to interrupt - I can wait in my car until River turns up if you'd prefer."

Luke and Heath both snorted, "Don't be ridiculous, Kitten. Come in and I'll take you for a look around." Heath slapped Luke on the back and jerked his chin to a sitting area where a couch and large flat screen television sat.

"Ah, ok." I said smartly, returning Luke's smile as he slipped away, leaving me to stare at Heath's chin in an effort to avoid him being able to recognise the embarrassment I felt at admiring him.

He remained quiet as I scuffed the toe of my shoe along the floor, my eyes darting around the room. Looking up, I squinted at the upper level loft, trying to determine details of its use.

"So," Heath interrupted, "What brings you back here so early on a Sunday morning?"

I drew a deep breath, cursing my own ridiculousness as I resolutely turned my gaze to his, "My parents have gone to Washington and won't be returning until tomorrow afternoon. I thought that River might like hang out so that I don't have to spend all of today alone and locked in my room."

He frowned, "They'll be gone overnight?"

"Yeah, they don't do it often but my father said that it was important for the both of them to go."

"What's in DC?"

I could still see the frown in his eyes and I had to wonder why it would bother him. Realistically he barely knew me and I was capable, at seventeen, of looking after myself for one night.

I shrugged, "They had a meeting with some friends. So, this is where you train?" I left him to walk to where he had been sparring with Luke only moments ago. "This must have cost a fortune to build."

Even though the majority of the equipment seemed like foreign objects to me, I could tell that they were of the best quality.

Heath followed in my steps as I approached what I knew was a punching bag, his breath tickling across the back of my neck as I pushed against it with a finger.

"Most of this was paid for by my sponsors," He answered quietly. "Have you ever studied any martial arts?"

I let out an unladylike snort, "It's never really crossed my mind except for when I watch action movies," I peeked over my shoulder at him, "Then I want to until I realise again that it would mean exercise. I look ridiculous when I try to anything of the sort so I'm quite sure that I'd never be able to master something that requires so much discipline."

I heard his chuckles as I finished off my little spiel with a clumsy punch against the bag. His arm suddenly reached around me and his fingers wrapped warmly over my own, tightening the clench of my fingers.

"You're holding your fingers too loosely and," His voice whispered close beside my ear, "You need to make sure that your thumb stays on the outside or you'll break it."

I barely held in a shudder as I swallowed loudly, trying ignore the heat of his chest as it moved in closer to my back, "Thanks." I whispered.

Trying to pull away proved unsuccessful as he tightened his hold, "I'm sure that it wouldn't take much to teach you a few moves and every girl should know how to defend themselves."

I nodded, "They should, yes. I'll look into that." I tried to tug my hand away again but he moved quicker than I could register and I suddenly found myself chest to chest with him and my hand intertwined with his up behind my back.

It didn't hurt but the unfamiliar strain had me arching into him with my head drawn back in order to avoid having my lips buried against his skin.

"Mmm," He murmured, his head bent over my own so that I felt the slight pressure of his nose against my hair, "Considering I have a little time before my next competition, I would be happy to offer my services."

I shook my head frantically, "N-no, you're a professional and I can't see you enjoying trying to train someone as lazy as me."

"I can't see you being lazy and I'm sure that we'd both enjoy it..."

I choked, my body going weak in his hold as my entire volume of blood rushed to fill my cheeks.

"And you could just join River when I train with him." He finished, ignoring my silent panic attack.

I thought that Luke might be choking on laughter from his place in front of the television but it was drowned out by River's voice suddenly filling the space of the garage, "Alira! Are you still out here?"

I fell violently away from Heath as I turned my head to see River running through the wide doorway. Looking between the two brothers as my friend came to stop next to Heath all I could manage was a squeaky, "Umm...Hi."

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