Chapter Thirty Three - Realisation

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A/N: I normally don't write author's notes but I thought that I would add one at this point. I know that a lot of you have expressed the desire to see Alira and River as a couple but I will admit that I never meant for that to happen -many of you may dislike my plans for this story but River was never meant to be seen as anything other a friend/brother figure. I hope that you will still enjoy it regardless and I do have plans to write River's story later on. Much love, AnnaIsali.

"Well, that turned out better than expected," I muttered to River and Heath as we watched my father slam through the swinging door.

Heath snorted, "You're father is so absolutely furious right now that I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't planning to nuke Miranda's house."

River chuckled slightly, "I can just imagine it! Hurt his daughter and he'll blow up half the country."

I chuffed slightly, "It's not going to be that bad! I'm sure he'll want to press charges but that'll be all."

I saw the both of them exchange glances over the top of my head, "Kitten, that man is going to fucking annihilate both the principal and the little bitch who hurt you."

River nodded in agreement, "She'll be getting black-bagged for sure."

I threw my hands up in exasperation, "You're being ridiculous."

"You're telling me he doesn't have the pull?" River queried.

I bit my lip, "Well..."

He nodded, "Exactly." He rubbed his hands together, "I wish I was there when she answers her front door tonight."

Heath grunted, "I wish she was a man so that I could go and kick the living shit out of her myself."

I pushed myself to my feet, feeling the straining burn in my arms and legs, "Whatever happens to her, I have had enough for today, I think." I turned to them, their heads still almost on the same level as my own even though they remained sitting, "I need to have a shower before dinner. Are you sure that you both want to stay?"

They both smirked.

"You aren't getting rid of us that easy, RiRi. You still owe me a tour," River teased.

Heath just shook his head, "I think it's only fair that we get to meet your parents now that you've met ours."

Feeling heat begin to consume my cheeks, I tilted my head at the older Daimon, "Why would you want to hang out with your little brother and his friend? Aren't you 21?"

His eyes flashed with some unnameable emotion, "I am." He confirmed easily, "Would you prefer it if I go? I don't have any friends within easy reach at the moment except Luke and I'm sure that he's busy with his girlfriend."

"It doesn't bother you that we're only 17?"

He shook his head, "Don't they always say that age is just a number? For some, I'm sure that they think that it's weird that I would rather be here when I have the chance to go out drinking and all that bullshit but that's just not my scene." He blew a breath, "Fuck, I'd rather hang out with my Mum in kitchen than go out and deal with all that ridiculous shit."

I nodded slowly, "I suppose I can understand that. I just didn't think that..."

His lips drew up into an amused smile, "You think because I'm a fighter that I need to be some hard core partier? When I'm on a circuit, I hang out with the guys but my days off are usually spent at home."

River cut in, "The guys all think that he's a fucking basket case and I know that his fans," he used exaggerated quotation marks, "cry over the fact that he's not a typical bad boy."

Heath grimaced, "Why does being a bad boy have to include having no self-respect and wanting to be careful about who I let into my life and my bed."

At that my entire face turned red – I'd never had any discussion regarding sex except for what was required in school and what I'd seen on television but I knew with the utmost certainty that I did not want to hear about Heath and his past conquests.

"Can we not go there?" I muttered quietly, disliking the fact that I actually cared what Heath had done in the past.

In the end, he was the famous, and attractive, older brother of my friend and although he seemed to enjoy spending time with the two of us I was sure that he saw me as nothing more than off-limits – regardless of the times when I had thought otherwise.

My pulse beginning to race, I turned away abruptly when I realised that the two boys had gone silent to watch my thoughts play across my face. I didn't need them to know that part of me was disconcerted over how drawn I found myself to Heath.

He was four years older than me, my friend's brother, a World UFC Champion and just way too much for me to handle.

Walking to the door, I felt the shift in the air as one of them moved, "Alira..." Heath started but was quickly silenced when my mother popped back into the room, her smile beaming.

"I'm sorry that I missed the meeting," She looked between the three of us, her mouth drooping at the tension, "Is everything ok?"

I nodded, "Everything is fine, Mum. I want to have a quick shower." I swallowed, "Could you look after them until I get back?"

Her fingers lightly touched my cheek, "Of course, baby. Take all the time you need and I'll take the boys around. I'm sure they'll find something in this place to keep them entertained."

I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Heath stood beside a still-seated River, "You'll be fine with my Mum." I assured them, ignoring the way that River had tensed and Heath's jaw ticked rhythmically. My reaction to the realisation that I was undoubtedly, and stupidly, attracted to Heath had probably given them the wrong impression – I was sure that they couldn't read my mind or know that I was having a mini panic attack and I sure as hell wasn't going to give them the truth.

River had been afraid that I would want his brother and I had blithely assured him that I was different – that I was above that sort of thing.

I guess I'm only a human female after all.

I sent them all a small smile before placing a hand against the door.

"Sweetie," Mum called, making me pause. "Before you go, could you explain why your father was just heading for his office, mumbling about calling the FBI?"  

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