Chapter Fifty Five - Sunrise

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Everything seemed fuzzy.

My mind was a field of confusion, chaos of sound, light and sickly pain. I had no idea what called me to wakefulness but as I opened my eyes, I was caught by the sun flaring across the white of the roof.

It wasn't my roof though. I could tell that by tracking the length, from corner to corner. It was too small and I didn't remember falling asleep at the Daimon's house.

My skin irritated me as I tried to wave off the annoying sound of beeps by my ear.

"Ergh," I groaned, the sound muffled.

"Sweetie?" A soft female voice asked in a murmur. "Tim! She's waking up."

A rush of footsteps and my father's face took over the view.

"Jellybean," He breathed, his pale face concerning me as I attempted to blink away the last vestiges of sleep.


"Shh, don't exhaust yourself." He ordered, barking an order over his shoulder.

My mother crowded in opposite him, her face devoid of any makeup and her eyes filled with a well of pained fear.

"Mum," I whispered, my throat aching. "What's..."

Her fingers wrapped around my own, "Listen to your father. We'll explain everything but first, can you tell us if anything hurts or feels wrong?"

Knowing that they wouldn't want platitudes, I assessed my body, the panic beginning to simmer as comprehension set in.

Something must have happened. Something that had ended up with me in a hospital bed and my parents looking as though they had just faced down Hell.

"I'm fuzzy," My eyes widened at them, "I don't remember."

They shared a glance, their eyes suspiciously shiny as I grumbled at them.

Blocking my view as they were, I couldn't see into the rest of the room but it wasn't difficult to tell that there were other people moving around.

Although, they probably weren't the people that I wanted.

Asking my mother for water, I swallowed and narrowed my eyes at my father. "What happened?"

"We need to wake him up," Mum interrupted before I could get an explanation.

Daddy grimaced, "You're right but they said to keep her calm when she regained consciousness. I don't think waking him up will allow for much calm."

"He'll be even less cooperative if we let him sleep through this," She replied resolutely, her voice as hard as I'd ever heard it.

To say that I was beginning to completely freak would be a gross understatement.

Daddy threw his hands in the air before turning away.

"Honey, let me help you sit up," My mother soothed, the bed slowly angling upwards so that I could sip at the water without worrying about being showered.

Male murmurs filled the momentary silence until I heard Heath's distinctive voice calling to me.

A loud thump sounded seconds before I was surrounded once more.

His face was filled with exhaustion and something dark tainted the rich colour of eyes but it still filled me with a sense of safety, a weirdly jagged impression of relief and peace.

"Heath," I whispered.

Whatever happened must have been bad to have him looking so drawn and empty.

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