♡ ... › THE MOVE. ★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡    • ›

🐿: "get moving y/n the airplane wont wait around for us." the cold voice of your father called from downstairs. echoing, the now bare house which was once called your home. now, just a plain building that will sooner or later belong to someone else.

in a way, your house reminded you of people. you can call it a home, but at the end of the day it will always just be a house. nothing more, nothing less. you can make memories with it, enjoy life with it but it will never be your own home.

people are the same. you can never claim a human to be your own, and at the end of the day people will move on without you or not. they will not wait around for you, nor will that ever mean you will own a human life apart from your own truly. so what was the point in ever calling someone 'yours'?

. . .

"okay dad, i'm coming." you replied plainly. you hardly had the energy to muster up those few words, after that incident. the only reason you were moving to tokyo in the first place. the death of your beloved mother. a mass shooting, in the country that she had spent all her life in, not frowning upon it once. that was the reality of the situation. the disgusting cruelty your sweet, and caring mother had faced.

"lets go then." frowned the old man, taking your luggage from your hands and putting it in the boot of the taxi that had been waiting for you just outside the driveway of the house that you would never see again.

the taxi ride was quiet. neither you nor your dad had the energy to spark a conversation with each other or the taxi driver for a matter of fact. as for the driver who understood and decided not to pry, instead letting the radio's music fill up the cars silence.

you weren't completely happy with the idea of moving to a foreign country your dad had grown up in out of the bloom, but its not like you really wanted to stay in the house that once was filled with the warm and loving presence of your mother. but at least, you weren't going unprepared.

your father growing up, had you fluent in japanese and russian since five years old, swapping between languages every now and then. but because of that, you were always grateful to him. as for right now, all you could do is pity the old man. he could barely even look you in the eye without bursting into a fit of tears. but could you blame him? you were the spitting image of your mother.


"boarding for tokyo, japan in gate c." the voice echoed from the intercom through-out the packed airport. and just liked that, you and your father fell into a group of people headed towards gate c. you never really went to the airport, since your mother never enjoyed leaving the country due to her health problems and small things like that which never actually bothered you. you enjoyed russia for the most part. but then again, your opinion had completely shifted since the incident.

"are you ready to head onto the plane?" your dad called looking back at you, after he had finished clearing up the tickets and passports with the lady at the counter. yet he still, avoided eye contact or even looking at your face.

"yeah, i'm ready." you mumbled quietly looking down at your feet.

and like that, the two of you boarded the plane and began your ten hour flight to the home land of your father. and home to a pair of grandparents you've ever seen twice in your entire life. but, you knew they loved you non the less. it was just hard to see you and your father due to the cost of flights, differences in time, and even just scheduling it in itself.

"they're excited to see you again, y/n" your father said in a hushed voice. obviously referring to my grandparents.

but at least your dad would have people to confide in who didn't look like his dead wife. it was a harsh truth to face considering he was your dad, but still. he was grieving and you had to respect that and give him space in that sense.

"i'm happy they are dad." you replied quietly, before placing your earplugs in, listening to the music downloaded in your ipod. it was a basic device, that played music since your flip phone hadn't the functions to. especially on a flight. it was a gift, from your mothers parents for your birthday last may. the songs you had downloaded were more or less all piano which kind of made you feel like a dork. clair de lune, für elise, and prelude in em being your current favourites.

all sheet music you and your mother enjoyed to play and listen to together. you never had any natural born talent or anything, but she always made it seem as though you were made to play in an auditorium filled with important people who you wouldn't know. that was the only reason you kept at it, she always encouraged you. even when she herself couldn't play with you due to her fingers giving up on her. she'd still manage to fill you with the exact same feeling inside just with her presence alone.

and nobody, would ever be able to replace your mother.


ten hours passed faster then intended, possibly due to the fact you slept through most of the flight with the muffled noises of piano pieces filling your ears as you dreamed. possibly, the most peaceful sleep you had gotten in the past three weeks. and you were grateful for that though, it left you feeling pretty drained for your first day in tokyo, japan.

"this is where you grew up?" you mumbled rubbing your eyes, dragging the suitcase and your body weight out of the plane and into the unfamiliar airport belonging to tokyo. it was a lot more packed compared to the one in russia, a lot more faces rushing to catch their flight to where ever they needed to be and for what ever reasons fit.

"yeah, though the city is a lot more exciting then the insides of an airport." your dad replied with a small laugh. most likely the first one you had heard in the past three weeks. it was refreshing, as though he was finally regaining his grasp on everything.

"i bet it is" you replied with a small smile, finally looking on the brighter sides of things. ★

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