♡ ... › FIFTH WHEEL?★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: the festival grew nearer and nearer until, it came. your grandma had picked out your yukata it was red, with light and dark coloured roses covering it along with a plain gold sash finishing up the look along with flower hair clips covering your hair. it all felt so weird to you. the first time you ever wore anything like this, or even gone to a festival at all.

"you look just perfect!" squealed your grandma kissing your forehead. but it all felt so weird, you never wore red. let alone a yukata, but it was surprisingly. . . comfortable.

"now! stay safe okay" the sweet words came from your grandma's mouth. she kissed your forehead and bid you goodbye.


the festival was so different than what you had expected. it was so colourful like a carnival or amusement park but with fancy clothes and couples swarming it all.


. . .


"don't forget to bring someone with you!!" the text message emma had sent you rang back into your head. the day she sent it you were out with your cousin and had completely forgotten when you went home.

maybe bringing your cousin wouldn't have been the shittest idea..

. . .

"y/n!!" emma called waving at you, along with a tall figure next to her who left you curious. was this draken-kun? the guy who emma always talked about but never fully accepted that she had a major crush on.

you scurried over to the two avoiding the crowd.

"this is draken-kun" she smiled pointing at the male.

"yo" he said plainly.

"and this is y/n" she continued pointing at you.

"hi" you smiled awkwardly.

. . .

way too awkward.

but then you noticed another unfamiliar face walking with hina. it was a scrawny boy with bleached blonde hair. from looking you could easily tell that hina was way out of the males league but you thought to keep that thought to yourself.

"emma-chan! y/n-chan!" she said excitedly hugging the both of you individually. she and emma both had this thing about their vibe. they both gave extremely warm hugs.

you discovered the boy who hina decided to take with her went by the name of takemichi, and that he was a complete utter klutz. as for draken-kun who was a lot nicer than he looked but he just didn't speak a whole lot. but in reality, you really felt as though you should enjoy the festival by yourself for a while to give the couples some alone time and to avoid fifth wheeling your entire first festival.

"i'm going to go check out some stalls down there" you said quietly pointing in the opposite direction.

everyone's faces grew worried, you knew what they were thinking. "but y/n-chan what if something happens to you again" emma replied concerned. leaving you with a small sigh.

"don't worry it's a festival i'm not going to get kidnapped in such a public place" you said with a reassuring smile, leaving the group of couples.


felt weird to fifth wheel a bunch of teenage relationships at your first festival to say the least.

all the stalls looked unique with different colours and signs and items inside. it was all so pretty and fun to look at.

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