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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: "well thats good news! i didn't know koko's pillows would be so comfortable i slept like a bug." he chuckled.

. . .

don't think that was the pillows inui-kun..

you awkwardly agreed with him. it was good that he hadn't realized he wasn't sleeping on the pillows. it worked out in your favor. hajime wouldn't eat his best friends head off and you wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of anyone finding out about such a weird yet embarrassing phenomenon. after such the two of you enjoyed a regular conversation at the breakfast table.

after your glass of milk you ended up making tea for you and inui. a lot of your conversation included embarrassing memories of hajime. it was a nice conversation. but it reminded you of when you and chifuyu had visited baji's mother after his death and flipped through the photo album. hajime wasn't dead or anything. it just reminded you of such.

"give me a minute inui-kun i have to make a phone call" you said quietly excusing yourself from the table.

inui's pov:

i watched as koko's cousin, y/n-san as she left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. i knew that i wasn't asleep on pillows. it was her lap. i didn't purposely mean to put the girl in such an awkward situation and it honestly shouldn't have happened since koko was asleep in the middle but the boy must've moved upwards in his sleep because after y/n-san had left the room i noticed his figure directly above me rather than in the middle.

i felt extremely bad about the situation.

i wasn't exactly close with the girl to be able to shake it off and move on. in fact i've never been close with women other than akane but that was plain normal considering she was my older sister.

but i couldn't apologize to y/n-san. it'll just make her uncomfortable and i'd rather not do as such to her.

reader's pov:

you left inui in peace and quiet with a sense of relief. the atmosphere felt stuffy despite the fact that he didn't recall what happened. though that might just be your fault and not his.

"chifuyu? can we talk please." you said quietly after the call had been picked up from the other line.

there was silence.

you knew he was there, and he knew why you called.

"course y/n-chan. where and when?" his reply was forced. but at the same time it had been the first time he's used the honorific 'chan' on you since baji's death. felt off to hear it from him again after going so long without it.

he obviously didn't want to tell you anything about the kisaki and hajime meeting. but it couldn't be helped.

"hmm one hour at the street corner ramen restaurant yknow the one" you hummed in response.

you had finally gotten through to the boy after around three days. it's not like he could avoid you forever. you weren't just any stranger. you spent most of your eight months in tokyo with the boy growing an emotional attachment to him and that bond goes both ways.

you couldn't call him at any other time. it would be fine if inui listened in on your conversation. he didn't know who chifuyu was, but hajime would get suspicious knowing him. you already knew why chifuyu was there that night but if you could squeeze a little bit more information about it you might actually start to understand the jigsaw puzzle a bit more.

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