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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: "trick or treat" you grinned standing on keisuke baji's porch. as for the boy who answered the door didn't seem to be familiar leaving you a bit confused.

he had two toned brunette and blonde hair, a birth mark directly under his sandish coloured eye. and honestly the boy seemed to be just as confused as you. "hm? halloween isnt for five days" he mumbled taking a good look at you in a similar manner as how you had just done for him.

"who's at the door kazutora?" baji called peaking down the hallway noticing you before waving at you with a smile.


"oh it's just y/n, you can let her in" baji said before making his way back to the kitchen.

the boy in front of you opened the door more letting you come in but his expression was a lot more relaxed now thanks to baji's reassurance. you made your way down the hall into the kitchen joint living room sitting down on the coach tossing a jacket to baji. it landed on baji's head. nice throw y/n. "it's your moms from when she went out drinking with my dad, she forgot it." you muttered.

kazutora took a seat next to you leaving a good bit of room between each other. "so are you going to introduce us?" the boy groaned feeling completely awkward in the situation.

baji glanced back to the two of you only just realizing he hadn't introduced either of you or mention either to the other. "oh m'bad thats y/n she moved into the block in like may i think and this is kazutora he's an old friend he just came to stop by." baji said simply before returning to preparing lunch.

"hi." kazutora said simply with a smile.

his smile reminded you a lot of mikey's for whatever reasons.

"hello" you mumbled quietly with a small smile of your own averting your gaze from the boy.

"so anyways baji are you in?" kazutora said plainly leaving out any details that you could use to figure out what they were discussing before you had entered the apartment.

"i'll think about it kazu" baji replied. his tone was different to usual, more like an older brother who had just lectured someone for doing something wrong. he handed kazutora a sandwich and gave you a bowl of fruit which you normally had if you ever stayed over for lunch at either baji's or chifuyu's house.

"alrighty~ that's probably a yes" kazutora continued with another big grin.

you were just sitting there quietly observing the two a complete mood swing from when you had entered the apartment. the kazutora figure reminded you a lot like mikey-kun but something about him was different setting the two apart. did either know each other? they must if they're both friends with baji right? it would only make sense?

another thing you were wondering was did chifuyu know about kazutora? chifuyu was normally always with baji so why not now?

. . .

"is the fruit not alright?" baji muttered glancing down at you who had been spacing out for god only knows how long.

"hm? course its alright i love fruit!" you yelped getting snapped out of your own thoughts.

your reaction got both boys laughing at you leaving you in a fit of some kind. slightly irritated at the laughter also trying to hold back your own.


(1) ✉
. . .

mikeysano3569221 :

yahoo y/n-chi! you're invited to grab some dorayaki with me emma and ken-chin later if yah wanna tag along emma said she had something to give you!


you could tell kazutora's eyes were glued to your phone after hearing the buzz but he seemed to be uncomfortable reading your message from mikey. does that mean he does know mikey? your mouth was dry. you had so many questions for the two boys but could you really ask any of them? sensitive topics? awkward ones? everything felt like a blur.

you left mikey's email without any reply closing your flip phone and putting it into your back pocket avoiding sparking a conversation in the quiet house. it felt a little dull. maybe you ruined the mood by barging in so suddenly. but you normally did after growing accustomed to chifuyu and baji.

you put your empty bowl into baji's dishwasher deciding to leave the two to discuss whatever it was alone. "i'll head out i'll see you later baji and nice meeting you kazutora" you smiled waving at the two who turned to you simultaneously.

"course. cya y/n" baji replied with a small smile. again, it wasn't his usual big grin with a cheeky remark.

"nice meeting you too" kazutora muttered averting his gaze letting you leave the apartment and the stuffy atmosphere inside of it.

you didn't think kazutora was particularly a bad person he just seemed to have some sort of past related to mikey in particular due to his reaction to your email. and baji didn't seem exactly upset that kazutora was there just a little off and awkward. must be something overly complicated and none of your business too.


"oh y/n we were just about to call on your door" mikey grinned noticing you emerging from baji's house.


. . .

"oh! haha.. well here i am" you shrieked awkwardly. praying for a miracle that mikey wouldn't invite baji to go along with you all or even go near the apartment in the first place. you could tell that something bad would happen. a gut feeling of sorts.

"how come you were hanging out with baji-kun? does he wanna come get some dorayaki with us too!" mikey grinned walking closer to you and the door to baji's apartment.

"no.. er- he's sick with the flu and i uhm.. had to give him medicine we had in our cupboards because he was out.." you panicked.

mikey stopped peering at you straight in the face inches away from you. you were in a panic. it was obvious. you just lied to mikey's face over a gut feeling without any solid evidence.

"so? we can still take him" he shrugged plainly gently shoving you aside from the door ringing on the door bell.

keisuke baji if you don't answer that door i am going to die. ★

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