♡ ... › ICE CREAM.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: the dinner was sushi, sashimi and rice, your fathers favourite to be precise. it wasn't your favourite but you definitely did enjoy it quite a lot. mitsuya and his mother made it together though mitsuya was making a lot more of it clearly being a strict chef or something of the sorts. it was pretty funny to watch but of course you held back laughing to save yourself your life and a possible glare from mitsuya while he was in his 'cooking mood' would you call it. but after dinner had been served it was as though he never got grumpy or cranky.

"so y/n does a pretty girl like you have a boyfriend?" she grinned slyly leaving mitsuya throwing her a look. it was the first thing said after you all had prayed and thanked for the food. the comment was straight to the point leaving you the slightest bit uncomfortable.

"no i don't.." you chuckled nervously taking a bite of the food set out in front of you. mana and luna giggled at their moms teenage like behavior and it honestly reminded you quite a lot of your grandma.

the rest of the dinner she didn't ask such like questions probably only asking the question in the first place to see if you were dating her son or something along the lines but you couldn't make it out that clearly leaving a blank in your mind. but mainly family related questions avoiding the subject of your mother as much as possible.

"i'd love to meet your mother sometime because it's obvious that would be where you get your looks from." she grinned. the comment was harmless and not in any means to upset you.

"i'm sorry but she's not with us anymore. but don't feel bad or anything! she died in february and i'm sure she's doing great up there so no need to feel bad about it and yes she was beautiful." you said with a small smile continuing to eat your food. you hadn't directly told anyone about your mothers death apart from hajime who obviously knew considering he was your cousin. and you let people think that she just wasn't involved in your life of such.

the words felt bittersweet to say.

"i'm so sorry dear.." the only words she could say to you, as for mitsuya who also seemed shocked by the news.

"no, no it's no worries at all." you said with a smile finishing up the food. helping mitsuya who was already doing dishes for a few minutes now insisting on helping the stubborn male, washing the plates he had already hand washed. the two of you probably looked like a couple from afar doing such with small idle chit chat with chuckles and giggles here and there trying to clear the air of the words of your mother not being around and guilt lying on mitsuya's mothers shoulders right now.

you didn't stay much longer after dinner due to nightfall being so close by and because of that mitsuya offered to drive you home.

you didn't quite know what to talk about during your trip back to your apartment. light subjects came up, school, people, and hobbies. the awkward tension from the topic of your mothers death still lingered lightly in the air also bringing back the remembrance of baji's death for both of you.

"mitsuya.. what actually happened to baji?" you uttered out desperately. it was the first time the thought crossed your mind. chifuyu got too emotional to barely say anything but baji's name and his mother sheltered you from the knowledge on how he died.

mitsuya hesitated at such a topic change. he hadn't expected you would be asking him of all people about what happened to baji. probably expecting you'd ask chifuyu or mikey. honestly, you had planned to but the chances of either telling you were close enough to none. and since mitsuya was with you at least you could try and find the actual reasoning behind the death of such a dear person in your life.

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