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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: fuck what just happened? some asshole just hit you with a bike and you had been bleeding out all over the road just outside holy grounds.

"Y/N-SAN?! WAIT WAS THAT KISAKI'S FUCKING BIKE?" takemichi yelped drawing izana's, mikey's and emma's attention over to your body. it wasn't that sore more numbing.. you didn't waste your energy in speaking back to takemichi. you'd a fool to do as such, anyways the fuck were you going to say to him? your pulse for the moment was alright. you were focusing on your breathing slowing it down to try and stop major blood loss.

your body got placed onto mikey's back. you could tell it was his by the colour of the fabric and hair that was barely in your vision. the words were hard to make out. you didn't want to hear them. your pulse was getting weaker but it was alright, right? you just had to continue your breathing at such pace until the hospital. and from there you'll be fixed up and hooked up to one of those breathing machines.

the walk to the hospital was long.

dragged out.

making it harder to keep yourself conscious without the pain worsening. but you couldn't complain. you had to be grateful that people cared about you so much to a point where they were straining their bodies to get you there alive.

your pulse

it was dropping

you couldn't stop it dropping

. . .


everything was pitch black.

"y/n-ito, my name is doctor akazai. i understand that you haven't spoken in two days due to your coma, yes?

well i am here to inform you about your injuries.

you tore a total of three ligaments in your lower hip along with hairline fractures throughout your left arm and a broken kneecap.

we are lucky about how well you could maintain your breathing to stop all of your blood lost. and are very proud of you for sustaining as such. but apart from that you are more or less alright. you won't be allowed out of the hospital for a couple of weeks." the doctor said to you. there was so many words and it was hard to grasp them all. but . . no injury to your left side? did you shift your position as a survival instinct when the bike came close to hitting you?

bike? . .

. . .

you glanced around the hospital room trying to remember everything. but what was white walls supposed to help you remember? . .


! ! !

" Y/N-SAN "



" Y/N "

. . .

at least ten figures burst in through the hospital door overwhelming you completely making your head run walls. you began fixating scanning the figures individually to rejog your memories on who each were.

the first figure, was petite with greys emerging from her black scalp, her face barely had any wrinkles and her makeup completely traditional making her seem so professional and elegantly mature but her words and their phrasing might as well have been from your dads mouth. well i mean, your dad was his moms child wasn't he?

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