♡ ... › BABYSITTING.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: it was baji's birthday today. you and chifuyu decided to visit baji's mother for a while and stayed for tea and ended up flipping through old baby pictures of the boy. it hurt to see all of the memories of the now deceased teenage boy but it also helped with grieving and mourning over his tragedy. and after that chifuyu asked for you to visit the grave with him, and of course you accepted its all you really could do for chifuyu.

the two of you prayed at the grave, but you felt like you should leave early and give chifuyu some time alone which he appreciated a lot. you definitely felt like mikey and chifuyu had it the worst since baji's death and of course his mother too but you couldn't seem to comfort them apart from granting the two peace and quiet and personal space.

but despite that all you still had to get emma-chan a birthday present for two days from now since tomorrow is a bank holiday meaning all the stores would be closed and you wouldn't be able to get her anything. so you left chifuyu do his thing while you scurried off to do yours.


emma was a very stylish and hard person to shop for. it's not like she was particularly ungrateful about gifts, it's just you'd never know if she actually enjoyed your gift or not because she'd wear or use it no matter what and greet you with a grateful smile and hug for getting her it. but that wasn't an excuse to get her just anything. she was one of your best friends. so you had a plan to get her the best gift.

you had already imagined draken took your advice from a month ago about the teddy bear that still sat in that claw arcade machine and you were sure that she'd be over the moon if draken got her that for her birthday. you didn't know what mikey would get her for her birthday since he was usually a mystery. as for you, you planned to get her a silver chain necklace with a teddy bear chain on it considering how much emma actually enjoyed them.

you made your way towards the jewelry store in the mall feeling something hit your hip, looking down in a frantic motion of what had just happened you noticed.. a little girl?

"i'm so sorry.." the girl yelped on the verge of tears over your collision.

you bent down next to the girl and helped her back up. "are you alright? where's your mom or dad?" you asked the girl softly trying to avoid her crying.

"i.. i.. i lost my big brother and sister because of the crowd of people" she whined teary eyes.

the poor girl..

"how about i help you look for them?" you asked with a sweet smile.

you could get emma-chan's present later considering this was an urgent matter to say the least. you'd feel more at ease if this girl got back to her family safely more than anything. you'd never know what could tempt someone to do bad things in this world and the thought alone worried you.

"okay! thank you pretty lady!" she smiled taking your hand dragging you towards the direction she had originally lost her siblings in.

seeing the crowd around the area you couldn't blame the girl. there was at least fifty people in the one place of the mall alone. it was quite odd to see but that wasn't your priority to think about. finding this girls siblings was.

"oniisan! oneesan" the girl called at the crowd from the outside. waiting, expecting a response from the crowd.

"mana?!" a voice called from within the crowd.

the voice.

it was familiar?..

the girl drew you closer to the crowd in search of the voice that had replied to her call. so her names mana? haven't you heard that name before from someone?

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