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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: your dad along with yourself were greeted by your grand parents who had been in tears from the arrival of the two of you, and you had received a lot of hugs and kisses, despite the uncomfortable feeling you got whenever people touched you. but you couldn't really complain considering they were letting you and your dad live in their house until your dad settled down in tokyo properly.

so you just sucked up the uncomfortable feeling and endured it. "we missed you so much tadashi" his mother yelped pulling your dad into a big hug. it made you smile a little bit, it was nice seeing how close your dad and his parents were despite being apart for more or less the twenty five years he was married to your mother. "and y/n!! you grew up so much and became such a fine young girl!" she said kissing your forehead and pulling you into another tight squeeze.

both you and your dad wore an awkward smile after that the entire trip back to your grand parents house. tokyo was covered in such pretty and elegant lights almost out of a movie. it was in a league of its own compared to russia in your opinion.

your mother would've loved to see it.


your grand parents house was big. it was a five bedroom apartment. each room having an unusual amount of space considering it was an apartment. though the building itself was huge to even consider such a plain word for it. 

the room your grand parents gave you was pretty, it had the basics. a desk with a trash can next to it, a dresser, bookshelf, bed, and bedside locker. nothing wrong with it and nothing out of the ordinary. honestly, it more or less matched your room back at home. though the view was a lot nicer to see. overlooking the busy city streets and all the lights from shops, cars, street lights and other houses. it all felt so surreal to see just from a window.

"i've already sent a school transfer for you." your dad said quietly hanging at the door frame of your room, watching you admire the view from your window. you hadn't noticed him there nor did you know how long he was there. but how could you? inside the apartment you weren't allowed to wear shoes and there wasn't any squeaks on the floorboards.

"okay, thank you." you murmured back glancing at your dad, before back at the window. you weren't extremely excited to be starting a new school, considering it was obvious by glance that you'd stick out like a sore thumb no matter what. you inherited a lot more of your mothers features than your fathers. making it easy to be identified as foreign rather than as half japanese. which meant, a lot of people would treat you just as a 'foreigner' rather than as a regular high school student like themselves.

it would be stressful to deal with to say the least about it. but then again, you always admired your mothers beauty and elegance and inheriting any of that means that someday you could grow up to be just like her. at least, it was a possibility right?

you let out a small sigh sinking yourself into the bed that you would be calling your own. the quilt was a plain white, along with the pillows and sheets matching the rooms plain white colour. it was nice, easy to work with. in fact, almost everything in the room was either a light wooden colour or plain white.

it didn't take much motivation for you to begin organizing the room with your own belongings, finding places for everything. filling up your desk with your piano sheets, cheap mangas you had collected from thrift shops and little things you had collected over the years. your bedside locker with a pale yellow lamp you had decided to bring, the drawers with all the clothes you packed. and the jewelry box that had once belonged to your mother with all of her favourite jewelry sat on top of your drawers completing the room.

it was complete.


as for the next two days, you spent them collecting the school supplies needed including the uniform, school books with your grandmother since your dad had been focused finding a stable job. the school shopping left you a little distressed, the thought of going to a school in japan crept closer, and closer by the day.

it's not like you were worried about your speech, more of the way that you knew you would be treated. it was blatantly obvious. and because of that there was a high chance that you wouldn't be able to make friends because of that. it really did leave a knot in your stomach over it.

"now y/n, dear do you have any preference on stationary colours?" your grandmother asked with a sweet smile, snapping you out of your thoughts making you realize that you were in the middle of a school supply store and not just wandering around in your head.

"oh, i would prefer neutral colours if that's okay." you mumbled back.

"of course dear that's no worries." the words came across as so sweet and caring from your grandmother despite her barely knowing anything about you and vise versa for you. it felt a bit weird and new. she was overly sweet and enjoyed giving hugs and forehead kisses a bit too much for your liking. it's not like you thought she was a bad person or anything, its just you never enjoyed any kinds of touches.

and your parents always respected those boundaries you had, minimizing hugs, and kisses given to you after the age of eight. but you didn't really feel like you had the right to decline the woman giving you affection after not seeing you for several years, and barely knowing you as a person rather than her grand daughter or her sons daughter. so you let it be for the time being.

"i can't believe that you start tomorrow!" she said excitedly sounding like a teenage girl while paying for your school supplies at the counter. but the fact that you did start school tomorrow was a thought you had dreaded since the moment you stepped foot in tokyo.

"..yeah" you replied chuckling a nervous laugh, before leaving the store with her and making your way back 'home'.

on your way back you accidentally bumped into a boy around your own age as far as you could tell. "i'm sorry" you mumbled in a panic towards the boy who stopped in his tracks realizing the thud! against the lower part of his arm.

he was a lot taller than you, almost intimidating. he didn't seem to notice until you actually apologized, his hair was dark and pretty long, something that you had seen a lot on guys in russia but not so often in japan. "it's alright" he muttered back averting his glaze from your eyes in discomfort after they had met. hesitating for a moment as though he wanted to say something else but had noticed your grandmother next to you, so he continued on his way.

leaving you feeling a little bit confused. 

as for your grandmother who was smirking at you causing you to be the one feeling uncomfortable now.

"he looked like a fine young man for my darling y/n to marry~" she teased again acting like a teenage girl fussing over boys and relationships. which wasn't something that perked your interest too much. but the boy you bumped into had peaked your interest for whatever reasons.

"he's not my type." you said coldly leaving the conversation at that. ★

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