♡ ... › KAZUTORA?★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: kazutora hanemiya?..

it didn't take long until the figure that had been holding you against your will lay unconscious on the floor with a broken arm and a pretty fucked up face. kazutora on the other hand offered you a hand and helped you up. he offered you his jacket with a similar design to the black dragons. it was warm with a weird name you didn't even want to try and pronounce. he took the bag of candy you were previously carrying and gave you your personal space back.

"you alright?" his voice was concerned. he barely knew one thing about you and didn't hesitate to show you such hospitality. it was actually quite.. sweet.

"yeah.. thank you." your voice was shaken and so was your entire body. this experience was a lot different to the kidnapping that kisaki tetta had conducted on you. this was just,, traumatizing.

you didn't really know what you say exactly. you felt so sick inside and so pathetic outside. but none the less did the figure who was walking you home said anything that would offend or harm you.

at first glance he reminded you of mikey, but he also seemed to remind you of chifuyu whenever chifuyu was being serious in the rare moment. it was a weird thought to think but you couldn't push it aside as much as you tried.

"you probably should avoid walking home so late at night for your own safety." he said softly with a smile.

but he wasn't wrong. every time you walked home alone when it began to get dark something seemed to happen to you. it was embarrassing and made you feel so weak inside. needing people to constantly come to your rescue. it was so pathetic. you felt like such a burden. the will and urge to gain physical strength grew stronger and stronger.

"i'm sorry." you muttered quietly. you didn't really know what else you could say. your body wasn't calming down and the images began to replay constantly.

you had only gotten lucky because kazutora had been leaving baji's house and if not you wouldn't have been able to stop the events happening. all the thoughts and aches over the experience were rushing through your head. you felt like crying so much but you didn't want it to all fall out in front of the figure so you held it in.

his presence wasn't alarming it was calm. you two exchanged the bare minimum of words due to the unfamiliar area between each other while he walked you home. your apartment was empty when you came back. no lights on, no people inside. it felt off. your dad would usually be home by now and your grandmother barely left the apartment in the first place. a mere note sat stuck onto the fridge stating how they all went one town over to visit your grandmothers sister after her death and how you couldn't come because of lack of space in the car.

you had the place to yourself.

"i'll be leaving now. try to avoid those situations in the future" the words weren't pitying you or looking down on you. just genuine concern.

"..but your jac-" you turned around to look for the boy who was just with you but he'd already vanished as though he was never there to begin with. you let out a small sigh and locked your apartment door going straight to your bedroom flopping onto your bed.

your life was way too eventful.


today was halloween. you didn't really take the celebration that seriously but it wasn't a date you'd just forget or anything like that and today you had to visit baji's apartment to give him kazutora's jacket and try and explain why on earth you had it in the first place.


"hm? oh good morning y/n-chan!" baji's mother said sweetly welcoming you into the apartment. it was a rare occasion to see his mother while you was over at the apartment since she works late to support for both her and her son. she's really an incredible woman who you admire quite a lot.

"hi miss baji! is baji in his room?" you grinned greeting the lady.

she nodded simply smiling at you.

you thanked her for telling you and for welcoming you into her home, took off your shoes and knocked on baji's door before entering. the figure was sat on his bed deep in thought. it confused you quite a bit but you didn't particularly know why but you went up to him and flicked his forehead snapping him out of it.

"oi" he grunted glancing up noticing the jacket in your hand raising and eyebrow.

"who's is that?" he questioned confused.

"kazutora hanemiya's. could you give it to him for me?" you asked plopping down next to baji on the bed.

"yeah sure. but how come you have it?" he continued. his voice sounded almost annoyed that you had his friends jacket leaving you a tad bit curious about why that might be.

"long story short he saved me from a potentially traumatizing situation gave me his jacket, and then left forgetting he gave it to me or something." you shrugged.

the hint of jealousy and annoyance from baji's tone and face quickly turned to worry.

"what happened?" he quickly asked almost cutting off your own words of explaining the situation that had happened in the briefest details avoiding the experience to replay in your head as much as possible.

"rather not go into detail about it." you muttered shifting your gaze from the boy to the floor.

after that the two of you sat in silence for a while. you hadn't known why but mikey said that baji had joined the gang that kazutora was in leaving touman. you never really got much details about it or anything since you weren't really allowed by anyone to get involved with gang related activity despite that you had gotten kidnapped due to it.

"would you like anything to eat y/n-chan?" baji's mom asked peeping in at the two of you from the door frame breaking the rooms silence.

"no, no it's fine miss baji i should get going anyways." you replied quickly raising from your seat leaving the lady with a frown before she left the room once more. you cleared your throat and began walking towards the door before feeling a hand grab your wrist.

it was baji's..

baji's pov:

i grabbed her wrist. i don't quite know why.

well, no.

i do know why

i want her to tell me stop going along with the valhalla vs touman fight. i want her to tell me how much everyone misses me being there how kazutora can also come back to touman if he'd just apologize for the incident with shinichiro sano. i want her to tell me that i don't need to work from the inside to find out what's going on with the gang and how everyone would be on board to investigate the suspicious team together.

i let go of her hand realizing that i might end up hurting her if i held on any longer.

i can't expect such things from y/n-chan. she doesn't understand about the gang's nor their conflicts beyond basic explanation. but if she'd just tell me not to do it with that genuine look in her eyes that i rarely get to see anymore i would. i would in a heartbeat.

her head turned back, and our eyes met. "be careful alright." she said quietly with a smile.

no. . .

that wasn't what i wanted to hear from you. those words were the same as what hanagaki takemichi told me when he and chifuyu visited me. i can't accept that. that's not what i wanted you to say to me.

. . .

"okay." the words fell out of my dry mouth flat. the figure of y/n had soon vanished from my room only leaving the lingering presence of her and the scent of the recent perfume she had been wearing often. things would've been different if she had grown up with us all and if she'd grown up in japan with her father and grand parents.

i'm sure that if she had been in japan and friends with us all none of this would've happened. the way her eyes hypnotize anyone with kind and generous words. if those same eyes told kazutora and i to have not stolen that bike on that night i know that we wouldn't have. ★

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