♡ ... › SERIOUS.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: hanma's words were getting to you and you knew you had to catch up to everyone and warn them before anything bad happened. but how were you supposed to do that in a pair of sandals and a yukata. the stress was really getting to you, and then and there all you could do is try and run towards the direction that hanma had left in.

you had arrived in the car park with an unraveling scene of a fight between what seemed to be two gangs. but not the one that hajime had been apart of. the uniform was different to the one that inui had been wearing that day.

. . .

your attention was drawn towards the two girls that you knew hina and emma who were under umbrellas sobbing hysterically. but why?

. . .

the body of the boy draken was on the floor unconscious bleeding out of his lower stomach. it looked gross but you knew in that moment that you were too late. but things would be alright right? it couldn't be that bad..

you began running over to the girls who were in a panic. "y/n.. draken-kun.. he's.." emma sobbed shaking. you felt so bad for the girl. this was supposed to be a happy occasion. it was a festival not a blood bath..

"it's okay emma-chan, he's a strong guy he'll pull through." you said with a pityful smile patting the girls head in reassurance. but how could you say he would be fine? you hadn't even seen the incident.

takemichi decided to lift draken's body away from the fighting and 'drama'. to the place where the ambulance pick up was. and you emma and hina went with him mainly just to support emma who was shaken up by this whole experience. it must be so traumatizing for her. pity, was the only word you knew to explain what you felt for her.

"oi look kiyomasa it's shittymichi whats he doing here?" a voice hollered coming down the street way. glancing in the direction a group of five delinquents had been making their way towards you.

"the fuck are you doing here protecting that sack of meat who's half dead?" spat the male in the middle looking down on the timid blonde haired boy who was clearly anxious about this encounter.

"well.. er." takemichi gulped.

. . .

"takemichi.. take the girls.. and run.." the struggled voice of the severely beaten draken called from the brick wall he was rested against. leaving takemichi looking back at him with a face indescribable. was it pitiful? or pissed of?

. . .

"kiyomasa we still haven't had our one on one" takemichi spoke. his tone was a bit shaky but he was dead serious.

"hah?!" kiyomasa yelled agitated at the smaller boys words.

"fine then i'll be taking that foreign girl as my prize after i beat you and draken to death" kiyomasa called pointing straight at you with his gross hand.

"that's not how you ask a girl out" draken grinned leaving hina and emma laughing at his remark to the situation and kiyomasa even more pissed of then how he originally had been.

takemichi ran straight at kiyomasa fist clenched unaware of the knife that was still in the boys possession. it stabbed takemichi's hand leaving the boy in a yell of pure agony.

so he's ugly and he plays dirty.

definitely not letting him so much as touch a strand of your hair.


the fight between the two was stressful to watch, with pure strength kiyomasa was on a whole different level than takemichi but with willpower and emotional stability takemichi might as well be on a whole different planet. he continued to go at him not stopping once until he finally gained his opening, by biting the other males hip and climbing up to his neck suffocating the other male barely winning the fight with a completely fucked hand and face at this point too.

but there were still four other males who were clearly provoked more than ever that the main man was taken down by a scrawny poser with a stabbed hand. "hina take emma-chan and y/n-chan out of here.. we'll be fine just get out of here.." takemichi called back to hina who was clearly not so sure about what he said.

but of course, she listened to him with hope and faith that he meant what he said. emma was clearly the most resistant to leave but you and hina worked around it and managed to take her with you with her insisting that you'd all go straight to the hospital and neither you nor hina declined emma of her request. the three of you rushed to the hospital being greeted with a 'SURGERY IN PROGRESS' sign just outside of the waiting room.

emma burst into a fit of tears crying into hina's shoulder as you pat her head trying your hardest to comfort girl. her brother mikey made his way into the hospital he was quiet, most likely stressed on the inside. he patted emma's shoulder who was still balling with a small smile. "don't be so loud we're in a hospital" he said in a hushed voice aimed towards takemichi who was being overly loud about the entire situation.

"he's going to be alright so believe in ken-chin. 'kay?" he said with a small smile. his words were bittersweet. he was struggling the most and all you could do is feel pity. nothing more or nothing less of how you felt for emma right now.

it took a few minutes for anything else to happen. more and more people joining the group but instead in dead silence apart from some sobs and hushed reassuring words. but a nurse came out, along with the light of the surgery sign turning off. "the surgery was a success." he said with a smile, lightening up the entire room.

it was a miracle that night.


for the next week you were emma's visiting buddy to go and see draken though you never actually went inside to see the boy with her over the one visitor rule and you never really got to know the boy to exactly feel comfortable going into his hospital room and talk to him. but today you felt pretty sick in the hospital so you decided to go up to the roof for some fresh air while emma was with draken.

the roof was warm with a light breeze you went out and scooched against the wall and sat down checking your emails and messages on your flip phone.

(3) ✉️
. . .

hajkokonoi7 :
heard your first festival was a wild one haha!

bajii25 :
have you seen my hairbrush? i think i lost it.

hinatatachibana :
is emma-chan doing alright?!


"you get interesting emails" yawned mikey sano who had been sat above you without you even realizing it. the boy gave you a mini heart attack almost resulting in you breaking your phone. and all he could do is smile at you, but it wasn't genuine. he was probably still stressed about the draken situation like emma-chan is.

"holy! warn me next time you pop out of no where" you half yelped peering directly up to where the boy was directly above you looking down.

"i mean i was here first!" he grinned, hopping down from the top of the building's exist sitting down next to you.

"did you tag along with emma?" he continued sitting particularly close to you invading your personal space which you clinged to ever so dearly.

"yeah, i've been coming with her all week" you shrugged quietly glancing back to your phone replying to each email as the boy peered over your shoulder nosily at your replies. he really didn't understand personal space or privacy.

"i was pretty worried about ken-chin y'know." he muttered quietly. the words were more directed to himself then to you.

"i could tell. you can tell by peoples eyes and the tone in their voices of how they really feel about situations." you mumbled back shrugging your shoulders closing your flip phone putting it into your jackets pocket.

"can you really?" he replied raising an eyebrow.

"course you can." you shrugged.

emma entered the roof staring at the two of you who were suspiciously close to each other more than likely leaving the wrong impression on the girl. "bad timing?" she teased. mikey blinked oblivious to the situation as for you who stuck your tongue out at emma moving from your seat on the floor next to mikey.

"cya" you smiled, leaving your conversation with mikey at that. ★

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