♡ ... › KISAKI TETTA.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: school was finally starting to look better for you, you got picked up into a friend group of two girls, one being the foreign girl who had asked you the blunt question on your first day named emma sano, and the other of a girl by the name of tachibana hinata but she went by the name hina. though, hina didn't attend your school she was still just as kind everytime you did see her.

"hey y/n want to come over to my house for that project in physics later?" emma called grabbing my attention during lunch, leading me to going over towards her to avoid the both of you yelling across the classroom and causing any hassle to anyone in the class.

"yeah! that'll work fine" you replied with a warm smile. this was your first time getting invited to anyone's house since your initial move to japan. it honestly peaked your curiosity to say the least about it. emma was a foreigner with perfect japanese, so did she grow up in japan or another dazzling foreign land like you? neither you ever asked her about for her own privacy and personal space.

"alright! we can head straight from here after school." she said cheerily.

and you simply flashed her another smile leaving the conversation at that as the teacher returned to begin the next class again leaving the class scattering to their respected seating and quietened down from the original state of chatter surrounding the room and atmosphere. it was almost like someone had dropped dead and they were told to act like an army in return. but in reality, it was just a matter of respecting your teachers and the lessons they provide for you.

and after that conversation with emma during lunch the day flew by almost like it was intended so that time moved faster just for you. like you were the main character in a film or something like that.

feeling, a gentle touch of the blonde female grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the school building. it was all so new to you, having complete new friends. but, it wasn't something that you wanted to complain about just something you chose to enjoy and remember for as long as you lived. the days of your youth in japan.

"grandpa i'm home and i brought a friend for a project i'm going straight to my room!" emma called down the hall, breaking off the touch of each other's hands to take off her shoes. and you decided to do the same.

"alright emma." a voice called back in a soothing tone.

did emma also live with her grandparents by chance? well. there was a lot more you had in common with this girl than you had realized or even tried to think about.

"cmon y/n! you gotta see my room i'm sure you'll love it" she said in a chuckle taking your hand once more pulling you along with her down the opposite side of the hallway.


your hand had been released from emma, as for your body which sat on the house floor now. rubbing your forehead which was hurt from the bump you raised your glaze upwards noticing an unfamiliar face who was also confused at the unexpected bump.

"ahhhh y/n are you okay?! mikeyyyy cmon couldn't you have watched where you were walking!" emma pleaded helping you regain your footing off of the floor sticking her tongue out at the boy childishly leaving you in a fit of giggles as the boy huffed looking the other way with his arms crossed, also acting like a child.

"well i think she's just fine by the looks of it!" he whined throwing quick glances at you every now and again out of curiosity on who you may be. but honestly, you were wondering the exact same thing about him.

"who is she anyways" he continued now completely fixed on you.

"that's y/n, she's a transfer student in my class and my physics project partner!" emma said grinning patting your head.

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