♡ ... › NEW YEARS.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: new years came around really fast and mitsuya had informed you that you were invited by hakkai's sister yuzuha to tag along with her, hakkai, mitsuya, takemichi, hina, draken and emma. there was probably more poeple going along with them but they were all the people that he had mentioned via the text message. it was nice though.

you really wanted to get to know yuzuha. she was a curious figure who more interested you than her own brother. the familiar warmth you felt around her that your mother possessed. you knew it wasn't possible for her to be your mother reincarnated because your mothers death was too recent for such. but still. it was nice to know someone with such a similar vibe.

your grandmother again, insisted on getting you a new yukuta just for the occasion. you were grateful to her but she doted on you too much and tended to spoil you with such things. but the one she got was similar to the red. it was a baby blue with white and gold complimenting it. the sash was white unlike the red one having a gold one. but instead the gold complimented the baby blue through-out the design.

"i know you wouldn't have minded wearing the red one but when i saw this one i knew i had to get you into it" your grandmother said with a small smile.

she was such a kind person who you had warmed up to during your time in japan. she reminded you a lot like your grandmother in russia but she had more of a 'teenage best friend' vibe going for her. but that's not the worst thing. if she's enjoying her days reliving her youth that's good for her.

unlike the festival you decided to leave your hair flow down reminded by what mitsuya had said to you during the rain. it left an impact on you going between both styles pretty often. you weren't used to blunt compliments about your physical features so it really helped with your confidence. humming to yourself as your grandmother helped tie your sash since you still didn't know how to do it properly.


"i'll get it" you smiled letting your grandmother finish tying your sash before you got the door leaving your grandmother peaking from your bedroom door frame to see who would be taking you.

"y/n!" hina giggled pulling you into a hug.

"hi hina-chan!" you replied hugging the girl back who just noticed you weren't fully ready because your shoes weren't on yet. letting you go back to finishing up waiting at your porch for you.

"is she your girlfriend?" your grandmother whispered into your ear.

"nope, she has a boyfriend his names takemichi. he's a bit of a crybaby but he really shines in a fight so i think they should stay together forever." you grinned shaking off your grandmothers comment.

you finished up fixing your outfit and hurried out to hina carrying a small purse with you to carry your spare money in case you needed anything. you waved goodbye to your grandmother and left with hina.

you decided to wear a pair of white socks with your sandals this time to avoid grazing your toes if you do end up running for whatever odd reason. better safe than sorry.

"does your dad finally accept takemichi?" you grinned as you walked to the shrine with emma with your arms linked.

"yep! and my moms super proud of him for it" she nodded.

"that's amazing hina-chan i'm happy for you" you said quietly to the girl on arriving to the shrine your linked arms broke and just walked normally again. it's not that either of you were embarrassed to link arms around people it's just the fact that hina would be walking around with takemichi and you knew you shouldn't be third wheeling that.

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