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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: timeskip: march 27th 2017.

you were in your car, a plain black bmw with tinted windows and black leather seats to be exact. you were following leads on your current investigation the one you were so involved with. you had finished up the investigation of an underground drug factory being run by an old foe by the name of shuji hanma who now served life behind bars as a result helping out with being allowed to carry out your current investigation.

it was rumored that your cousin who you hadn't seen in twelve years was also involved in the factory and selling of such but you didn't get any of that information out of hanma leaving you puzzled about it. though you wouldn't dare tell seishu about that. the male was enjoying his life, working with emma's boyfriend in the bike shop in the middle of shibuya. the bike shop that mikey's brother ran. they fixed it up, and turned it into their own with approval of mikey and izana.

you were also on the phone to emma-chan who was on your blue tooth speaker discussing pah's wedding with such a pretty girl who clearly loved him for more than just simple shit like money making the two of you extremely happy for the man. and the preparations of hina's wedding with takemichi and she had been complaining to you about how ken-san hadn't proposed to her yet leaving you in a fit of laughter almost forgetting what you were doing.

the thought of weddings were quite weird to think about. only about a year ago you were in a happy relationship with a boy by the name of kotaro shin. but he had been two timing you with a really pretty and nice lady about two years older than you who hadn't been aware of the fact that had been discovered by taka-san. who confronted you about it with a picture asking you if that was kotaro. and course, it was. relationships were hard. you never involved yourself with them directly at least growing up, and the only reason you were in one was because kotaro was your colleague and ex-partner on the case you had been working on but it was clear to see that he'd been using that and taking advantage of you to earn a raise and better entitled rank after the case was over.

because of such, you didn't want another partner or anyone to help you on the case since. gaining somewhat trust issues towards the industry you chosen to work in.

"good grief emma! give the poor guy some time. y'know how stiff ken-san can be sometimes! you've known him your entire life. he'll propose to you one of these days but not right now because its hina-chan's moment yaknow?" you grinned in response to the whines from the other end of the line while you continued down the highway avoiding traffic as much as possible.

"but y/n! i've been waiting all my life for marriage with himmm he know that too! mikey said it to him when he was drunk!! and it wasn't fair of him to do so" she sobbed dramatically leaving you laughing even more. you were lucky none of your subordinates were in the car with you. they would be completely clueless to what your daily phone calls were like with your friends.

well, your subordinates weren't in the car.

"alright alright, i got to go. i'm coming close to finishing this case, y'know the one i've been stuck on for the longest time." you hummed letting the girl on the other line say her goodbyes before hanging up the blue tooth speaker and phone letting your car radio begin to play once more quietly lighting up your car.

. . .

"how come i couldn't say hi to emma?! y/n-chan" whined the figure who sat in the passenger seat of your car.

"hmmm, because then i wouldn't have been able to have a normal girl talk with her, kazu-kun" you teased the male with a smile. the boy had changed so much, appearing to look like a model now a days with a gentle smile after fixing himself up receiving proper therapy and counselling while being behind bars for ten years. emma would've gotten all flustered about her words and childlike behavior if she realized kazutora was alongside you listening in. though, both had similar personalities apart from the fact that kazutora seemed more mature than emma.

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