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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: "now class this is y/n ito, she's an exchange student from russia. treat her with respect and kindess." the words that fell from the teachers mouth were plain and meaningless. he really couldn't care less how the class treated you once he didn't receive complaints about it. "now, do you have any questions for ms ito before we begin todays lessons." the teacher continued, and just liked that at least half the class raised their hands.

and you could already tell what kind of questions they were going to be. it was going to be about how your surname was japanese and your russian, could you actually speak japanese, why did you move. all empty questions just to pry into personal things like any person would. curiosity is what people call it, as for you it's just prying.

"yes, ms sano?" the teacher said asking one of the students who were sitting down, almost out of your view. but you could tell by a glance, she was also foreign. and it came as a surprise to you, i guess you didn't notice before because you were more or less looking down the entire time.

"are you half japanese?" she asked you bluntly. though, it was kind of a question people would work around asking by asking the basics just about your surname and not plain out and saying it like that. but it was easy, and less boring to answer than what you had expected.

"yeah, my fathers japanese and my mother is russian." you replied quietly avoiding looking at the girl a second time, not wanting to make eye contact with her over your anxiousness about the entire situation.

and in that single question most peoples questions were answered. you replied to the girl in clear japanese without any struggle or stumbling along words, your surname and it being japanese, and the moving question was just avoidable now. and like that, you took your seat at the very back of the classroom, trying to avoid any stares or glances that got shot at you during the day at school.

it felt so uncomfortable for you to deal with constantly. but you got through the tiring day without causing any trouble or drama, in fact you barely spoke a word during it. you didn't like attention being drawn towards you, and enjoyed your own company or at least that's what you kept telling yourself to avoid confronting the lonely feeling that you felt inside.

"you're dismissed." the plain words from the plain guy who was called our teacher spoke leaving the entire class in a frantic to get out and leave the building. as for you, barely in a rush at all. you hadn't anything to do, no plans for the afternoon, and nobody seemed interested in talking to you either. just staring, or shooting looks your way.

but you understood that, these people knew each other well enough by now and you had barged into their school after all, it's not like they should feel the need to automatically accept you as someone to be their friend. after all everyone had friend groups and social standing. but, you didn't let that bother you. i mean, it was better than just getting picked up for being a 'foreigner' letting that thought in as you began to make your way out of the building.

your walk home, was longer than at your school in russia. you had a fifteen minute walk in japan and a merely five minute walk in russia. but the longer walk felt refreshing after a long day crammed up in a classroom. so you didn't bother complain about it. it was pretty enjoyable.

making your way towards the apartment parking lock you noticed a familiar figure from yesterday and a boy just over your height walking with him chatting to each other with smiles. both headed towards your apartment building. it actually came as sort of a shock, remembering your encounter with him yesterday.

oh. . 

the boys eyes wandered from the conversation over to you who had been stood there staring at the pair of them for less than a minute. you could tell by his eyes he also felt that sudden realization and shock, making the shorter boy notice and stare your way too.

well, now this is awkward.

you didn't exactly know what to do in this situation. two boys your age just staring at you from across the apartment parking lot and you doing the same in return. you couldn't make out what the shorter male said but you had a few guesses. who's that? , do you know them? , why are they staring at us? were your initial guesses of what he had said but of course, you were wrong.

the two boys began walking over your way making it a lot harder for you to leave the situation now. you just stood there as though you were paralyzed from the neck down. you just felt as though if you moved now you'd make yourself look completely weird. which was one hundred percent right on your behalf.

the closer they got the more anxious you felt. and before realizing it they were standing in front of you face to face. well, at least one of them was face to face, the taller male was hard to look at directly unless you looked upwards. but the intensity the two gave off really sent a chill down your spine.

"so did you just move into the apartment or sum?" the shorter male asked speaking slowly, probably in case you couldn't speak japanese well obviously realizing by the way you looked starting a conversation pointing at the apartment. you decided to follow his hand and look at the apartment almost giving you time to calm down without having to look at either of them.

"uh yeah, my dad and i moved in with my grand parents three days ago." you muttered back focusing your gaze back onto the two of the boys who had realized by now your japanese was perfect and the way the shorter boy spoke so spaced out and slowly seemed almost stupid by this point into the conversation.

"oh.. does that mean that you're not foreign?" the boy questioned feeling embarrassed after the way he had spoken towards you, which you couldn't blame him for because well, it was obvious.

"no, i am foreign. i grew up in russia and moved to japan with my father recently, but he's japanese so i'm fluent in both languages." you said with a small reassuring smile which more felt like it was for you considering the conversation was awkward and you weren't enjoying it all that much.

"russia sounds cool.. isn't it near canada?" the taller guy questioned leaving the shorter in a fit of laughter over his comment in the conversation.

. . .

"no, russia is in europe.." you mumbled quietly looking up at the figure who seemed unfazed at the comment he had made. 

"oh." he mumbled quietly averting his eyes from you.

"baji-san you really are hopeless at school" the shorter male remarked still in a fit of laughter.

"shaddup chifuyu before i floor you." the taller boy grunted leaving out a 'tsk' sound afterwards, as for the shorter boy who was still laughing despite the threat.

"so whats your name." the taller boy muttered avoiding the uncontrollable laughter coming out of the shorter boy.

"oh, i'm y/n ito but y/n works fine since i'm more used to it instead of just my surname. how about you?" you said quietly rubbing the back of your neck.

"oh yea foreigners do that like emma. anyways, i'm keisuke baji, and thats chifuyu matsuno." he replied pointing towards the shorter boy who had finally calmed down who shot a grin at you.

"nice to meet you two." you said quietly averting your eyes from the two once again.

"you too, cant wait to see yah again y/n-chan!" chifuyu said with a big smile before the two walked off towards the building once more.


baji and chifuyu, huh. ★

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