♡ ... › RECOVERED.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: you only had to spend one night in hospital due to your fast recovery speed. but still thinking back on last night how mikey just hugged you. he wasn't capable of speaking and everyone had to leave the room for him to even say anything to you. but the words were sore and hurt you to hear.

"i don't know how i'd cope if you weren't around." those were his exact and only words he said to you.

he couldn't crack a smile afterwards, he just held you tight again before leaving the hospital around the time a lot more visitors came to see you. you didn't quite understand such the fuss over the fact you got frostbite. there was a rare chance it could even kill you in the first place since the temperature wasn't that bad you just over exhausted your body in it.

mitsuya and emma were the only others who decided to visit you. both played cards with everyone else until around ten o'clock when everyone started leaving. apart from hajime who planned to spend the night with you still feeling guilty for what he'd done.

chifuyu and takemichi must have been avoiding you after you had seen them with hajime doing something that had seemed to be pretty shady. but you didn't enjoy being ignored. especially by chifuyu, he was one of your closest friends.

after getting discharged from hospital you spotted emma and draken walking closer to you and hajime. "hah? you know a black dragon y/n?" draken questioned eyeing the boy who stood next to you.

"yeah, he's my cousin" you shrugged yawning slightly while hajime stuck out his tongue at draken.

and before anymore could be said emma jumped into your arms giving you a big hug. "i'm so glad you're out of hospital now we can go shopping and go to fancy places together" she grinned squeezing you super tightly.

"emma-chan i was only in there for one night" you chuckled lightly hugging the girl back. you really had warmed up to the idea of hugging people. probably because of how much emma hugged you on a daily basis. she was childish like that but it was always in a good way.

you could hear a dangle from the girls neck. it was the birthday present you had got her. it sat there on her neck making you feel warm inside. she actually enjoyed the gift that you had given to her. though taking your attention away from that you could definitely still see the tension between the two boys. as far as you were told the black dragons beat the shit out of takemichi but still he was there interacting with your older cousin last night along with kisaki..

emma must have noticed it too since she started clinging to draken looking for his attention trying to break the tense atmosphere between hajime and him. "cmon how about we all go get some fancy ice cream!" she grinned taking drakens arm dragging him signally for you to shove hajime along with you too.

"cmon mr emo hair i haven't seen emma-chan properly in ages drop the tough guy act and enjoy the day as though gangs don't even exist" you grinned to your older cousin who could only sigh in response. and just like that the four of you were off to get ice cream.

emma and you had been talking non stop as for the boys who were still barely maintaining from grabbing each others throats. keeping the air that much tense but on arriving at the ice cream shop both had lost most their anger. who wouldn't? it was ice cream. "one cookie dough, strawberry, vanilla and mint!" you grinned at the cashier. a tint of red crept onto his face from your grin to him leaving you raising an eyebrow and hajime seemed pissed off at the cashier over such.

"c.. course!" he yelped awkwardly noticing the glare that hajime had been directing at him from behind you. he probably presumed in that moment that hajime was your boyfriend or something of the sorts since you didn't look alike at all. and after feeling like he was going to die he continued to tell the order to the girl who was scooping ice cream for the customers.

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