♡ ... › MOTIVES.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: you spent a lot of your week with hajime. he didn't help you out with your investigation or anything but he didn't interfer with it either he just observed it. he found it amusing what you were doing. he barely understood why but it still amused him whenever he had nothing to do. inui-kun wasn't allowed to see your planning and deductions about the situation but you did ask him a few questions out of context.

"do you know why taiju doesn't like his younger brother?"

"do you know who kisaki tetta is?"

"ever done gang activity on christmas?"

the questions were all spaced out in between conversations through out the week manipulating the conversations to end up to get to such questions. leaving zero suspicion of them. and just hajime getting more intrigued at his cousins behavior and tactics.

and by the end of the week you had a full idea about the current plan that kisaki was running.

it all fit perfectly.

you thought of telling chifuyu but there was little to no point of doing so. chifuyu already had his suspicions of kisaki to have some sort of counter measurements to his plan. so you didn't bother. your information wouldn't be all that valuable to him but in the long run for you it was vital.

"hajime can i go with you on christmas?" you asked your cousin after inui-kun had left the house.

he glanced back at you raising an eyebrow.

"y'know that'll just provoke taiju if you're in the way and inui would throw a hissy fit because you're an innocent bystander and i think the touman boys would too." he shrugged.

you already knew that.

"i didn't say that any of them would see me. i scoped out the church that you said that he would be. i just want to see the out come and if i can actually be a good detective. there's seating above the back of the church. upstairs seating which is barely noticeable to anyone. i'll just like a normal person praying when taiju arrives." you replied quietly.

. . .

"fine. but if it gets any bit threatening or dangerous for you you'll have to leave." he sighed.

you nodded simply with a small smile plastered on your face.

and just liked that you left your cousins house to not see him again until christmas which was just around the corner.

there was one mistake you made in your deduction skills.


you were completely off about timing in the situation and hajime had completely skipped over that part without realization.


arriving at the church you walked into the church noticing a scene unfold.


taiju's attention fell onto you.

your cousin wasn't anywhere to be seen and chifuyu wasn't with takemichi nor was kisaki and hanma.

. . .

"so people don't go to church to pray anymore?" you muttered quietly feeling a hint of awkwardness across your face.

taiju let out a laugh. "what the fuck are you on about" he groaned. he was clearly looking down on you. taking his attention off of takemichi who had been clearly suffocating in his grip.

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