♡ ... › A SMALL LIE.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: the anticipation on who would answer the door was nerve wracking. you went to grab your flip phone from your pocket to text baji to pretend to be sick and answer the door realizing you misplaced your phone and probably left it inside the apartment. what fucking luck did you have. you felt so off about this all.

. . .

"y/n you left your phone-" the cheery voice stopped. hanemiya kazutora stood there. the door was wide open. baji realized the situation and stood there in the background. mikey didn't speak one word he just stood there.

it probably wasn't in your place to lie to mikey but you knew that gut feeling was right. the two clearly didn't get along for whatever reasoning.

"i'm not mad at you for lying to me now y/n." mikey said smiling turning back to you. the smile was actually kind of sad. he didn't seem to want to smile but he did. draken and emma stood there neither saying a word.

clearing your dry throat you took your phone from kazutora with a small 'thanks' almost inaudible to the ear.

"let's get going mikey before something happens." draken said bluntly tapping mikey's shoulder.

"alright." the words were dry from mikey's voice. breaking the stare between him and kazutora he turned and headed towards the parked motorbikes in the apartment block car park.

you had a rush of guilt lying on your back as you trailed behind him and draken with emma by your side. you didn't know what to say. you acting on intuition on something that had nothing to do with you. was that being selfish and insensitive? it wasn't okay to do either way and you knew that already.


"do you know what happened?" the hushed voice of manjiro sano spoke while you were riding on the back of his bike to the dorayaki store. you didn't know what to say. he didn't have to tell you whatever happened between him and kazutora as you didn't even know one thing about kazutora.

"no" you muttered quietly with a small sigh. you couldn't muster up an apology for lying to him an excuse for him to not tell you about his privacy and past clash with kazutora. you could just feel the weigh of a simple and small lie eat you up inside.

"so how come you lied back there?" he asked curiously. he didn't have any malice behind his tone any motives, any sort of anger just a pitiful tone with an expressionless face.

"it was a gut feeling." you replied.

. . .

"sorry, mikey-kun" you said quietly. you felt pretty pathetic over the guilt you felt over something so small.

"no need for apologies i'm not mad at you" the words were soft most definitely the truth. he wasn't mad at you but you wondered if he would be mad at baji for having kazutora over at his house.

mikey hopped off the bike and helped you down and gave you a head pat and a reassuring smile signalling that he didn't hold a grudge about your lie and the head pat seemed to be for not prying into his privacy as far as you could tell. it made you feel a little fuzzy inside leaving you smile a little after feeling so much guilt for the past thirty minutes.

"oi lovebirds cmon before mikey throws a fit that the dorayaki is sold out." draken hollered hypocritically considering how close him and emma were walking and the obvious feelings that lay between their friendship. mikey stuck out his tongue at the comment while grabbing your hand suddenly to rush and cue for his favourite treat.

you didn't quite know if you had any feelings for mikey romantically nor did you know if the boy had any for you. he was a complete mystery to you. you hadn't learned much about him for the time you had been friends with him. he didn't enjoy talking about his personal life and always pushed the subject away. and you hated to admit it but you knew more about draken-kun who you barely spoke to purely because of how much emma talked about him.

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