♡ ... › OBSESSED.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: "yo y/n! mitsuya said to give you this and that he couldn't give it to you in person today because he has to take his little sisters to their doctors appointment" baji called waving a stuffed bear with a letter wrapped around its neck coming into your apartment without even knocking.

your grandma had been out today with your grandad the two were gone to the beach for the weekend and some fancy hotel for some 'couple weekend' thing got to do with their anniversary. well go you then grandma so proud of you.

"hm?" you mumbled peaking out of your room noticing the gift and the tall boy who was grinning. you were wearing a black tank top and a pair of grey shorts clearly not expecting a visitor on a friday morning.

"betcha he likes you or sum because this is whatcha get your girlfriend for valentines or their birthday." he teased handing you the present. mitsuya wasn't kidding, he got you a bear almost identical to the one that got completely drenched during the festival.

"he doesn't like me he just insisted that he would get me a new bear because the one i won at the festival got drenched over the rain." you shrugged putting the bear on your bed as for baji who peaked through the door getting a look at your room.

"thought your room would be more girly" he blurted out.

"point is?" you spat sticking your tongue out at the boy passing him in the hallway heading towards the kitchen to get a glass of milk.

"wanna go bowling with me and chifuyu?" he shrugged shoving his flip phone in your face showing you the email that chifuyu had sent him.

chifuyuthebest82 :
yo baji-san wanna go bowling today? we can bring y/n-chan since she's also our neighbour and it means there will be more competition to beat!

. . .

"sure." you mumbled sitting down at your kitchen table.

"alright get ready and meet us outside the block at one. don't get kidnapped again" he grinned making his way out of your apartment closing the door behind him.

he really had to bring up the kidnapping incident didn't he.

you put the empty glass in the sink and made your way back into your bedroom staring at the letter wrapped around the bears neck that mitsuya had left for you. hesitating for a moment thinking if you should open it now or after bowling.

fuck it.

. . .

dear y/n,

gotcha the bear like promised! hope you enjoyed your first festival in japan despite the fact that draken got stabbed and the bear you won got completely drenched over the rain. but anyways if you ever need anything my email is takamitsuya1 feel free to contact it anytime! also apologies i couldn't give you this in person but mana-chan my younger sister has her injections today and i had to take her.
hope to see you again soon,
takashi mitsuya.


he's way too sweet.

leaving the letter sitting on your desk you decided to get ready for your day bowling with chifuyu and baji. you decided to wear a pair of ripped worn out jeans and a yellow tank top with a small smiley face just under your neck. you grabbed your house keys and your flip phone and made your way out of the apartment locking the door behind you.

(1) ✉
. . .

shujihanma :
hey princess! just to let you know i'm watching you right now.

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